A few thousand of these were policemen from the Police of the Czech Republic(英语:Police of the Czech Republic) and 國家憲兵 as well as soldiers from the 1st Battalion of the 波希米亞和摩拉維亞政府軍, all of whom were lightly armed.[2] The remainder were civilians, mostly young men with no prior military training.[3][4] Numerous female civilians fought in the uprising, while others were escaped Allied 战俘 (some of whom were Soviet, British, French and Dutch) or Jews who had escaped from 納粹集中營.[5][6]
Approximately 10,000 of these were 武装党卫队 troops who were sent to Prague after the start of the uprising.[8] The remainder included regular 德意志國防軍 infantry, 納粹德國空軍 personnel from the disbanded Flak corps(英语:Flak corps), 希特拉青年團 members and armed German civilians.[9][10]