庫氏巨蜥 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "庫氏巨蜥" in Chinese language version.

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  • Koch A, Auliya M, Schmitz A法语Andreas Schmitz, Kuch U, Böhme W德语Wolfgang Böhme (Zoologe) (2007). "Morphological Studies on the Systematics of South East Asian Water Monitors (Varanus salvator Complex): Nominotypic Populations and Taxonomic Overview". pp. 109-180. In: Horn H-G, Böhme W, Krebs U (editors) (2007). Advances in Monitor Research III. (Mertensiella Series 16). Rheinbach: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde.


  • Koch A, Auliya M, Schmitz A法语Andreas Schmitz, Kuch U, Böhme W德语Wolfgang Böhme (Zoologe) (2007). "Morphological Studies on the Systematics of South East Asian Water Monitors (Varanus salvator Complex): Nominotypic Populations and Taxonomic Overview". pp. 109-180. In: Horn H-G, Böhme W, Krebs U (editors) (2007). Advances in Monitor Research III. (Mertensiella Series 16). Rheinbach: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde.