第一次射电测量是在1967年,最近的一次是在2004年。关于历史上的多次测量,参见Hartl 2005、Kennefick 2005以及Kennefick 2007。关于索德纳(英语:Johann Georg von Soldner)在牛顿经典力学理论框架下的预言,参见Soldner 1804 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFSoldner1804 (幫助)。目前最准确的测量参见Bertotti 2005。 Hartl, Gerhard, The Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by the British Eclipse Expedition of 1919, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 182–187, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7 Kennefick, Daniel, Astronomers Test General Relativity: Light-bending and the Solar Redshift, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 178–181, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7 Kennefick, Daniel, Not Only Because of Theory: Dyson, Eddington and the Competing Myths of the 1919 Eclipse Expedition, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the History of General Relativity, Tenerife, 2005, 2007, arXiv:0709.0685Bertotti, Bruno, The Cassini Experiment: Investigating the Nature of Gravity, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 402–405, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7
参见Kramer 2004。 Kramer, Michael, Millisecond Pulsars as Tools of Fundamental Physics, Karshenboim, S. G.; Peik, E. (编), Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants (Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 648), Springer: 33–54, 2004 (E-Print at astro-ph/0405178 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
对于从二十世纪初黑洞物理学诞生到现在的发展历史的易懂的概述,参见Thorne 1994。对于当今关于黑洞在星系结构的形成过程中的重要角色参见Springel et al. 2005。相关的小结参见Gnedin 2005。 Thorne, Kip, Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy, W W Norton & Company, 1994, ISBN 0-393-31276-3 Springel, Volker; White, Simon D. M.; Jenkins, Adrian; Frenk, Carlos S., Simulations of the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies and quasars, Nature, 2005, 435: 629–636, doi:10.1038/nature03597 Gnedin, Nickolay Y., Digitizing the Universe, Nature, 2005, 435: 572–573, doi:10.1038/435572a
卡西尼号关于引力时间延迟效应的测量参见Bertotti 2005。更多关于引力探测器B的信息参见(英文)引力探测器B官方网站, [2007-06-13], (原始内容存档于2009-10-27)。 Bertotti, Bruno, The Cassini Experiment: Investigating the Nature of Gravity, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 402–405, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7
更加详细的信息参见Wright 2007,宇宙学教程以及常见问题解答;一个易懂的介绍参见Hogan 1999。Berry 1989使用了初等数学但是避免了广义相对论中的高等数学工具,提供了一个更加完整的解释。 Wright, Ned, Cosmology tutorial and FAQ, University of California at Los Angeles, 2007 [2007-06-12], (原始内容存档于2011-08-25) Hogan, Craig J., The Little Book of the Big Bang. A Cosmic Primer, Springer, 1999, ISBN 0-387-98385-6 Berry, Michael V., Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation 2nd, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1989, ISBN 0852740379
卡西尼号关于引力时间延迟效应的测量参见Bertotti 2005。更多关于引力探测器B的信息参见(英文)引力探测器B官方网站, [2007-06-13], (原始内容存档于2009-10-27)。 Bertotti, Bruno, The Cassini Experiment: Investigating the Nature of Gravity, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 402–405, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7
参见Kramer 2004。 Kramer, Michael, Millisecond Pulsars as Tools of Fundamental Physics, Karshenboim, S. G.; Peik, E. (编), Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants (Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 648), Springer: 33–54, 2004 (E-Print at astro-ph/0405178 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
更加详细的信息参见Wright 2007,宇宙学教程以及常见问题解答;一个易懂的介绍参见Hogan 1999。Berry 1989使用了初等数学但是避免了广义相对论中的高等数学工具,提供了一个更加完整的解释。 Wright, Ned, Cosmology tutorial and FAQ, University of California at Los Angeles, 2007 [2007-06-12], (原始内容存档于2011-08-25) Hogan, Craig J., The Little Book of the Big Bang. A Cosmic Primer, Springer, 1999, ISBN 0-387-98385-6 Berry, Michael V., Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation 2nd, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1989, ISBN 0852740379
第一次射电测量是在1967年,最近的一次是在2004年。关于历史上的多次测量,参见Hartl 2005、Kennefick 2005以及Kennefick 2007。关于索德纳(英语:Johann Georg von Soldner)在牛顿经典力学理论框架下的预言,参见Soldner 1804 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFSoldner1804 (幫助)。目前最准确的测量参见Bertotti 2005。 Hartl, Gerhard, The Confirmation of the General Theory of Relativity by the British Eclipse Expedition of 1919, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 182–187, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7 Kennefick, Daniel, Astronomers Test General Relativity: Light-bending and the Solar Redshift, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 178–181, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7 Kennefick, Daniel, Not Only Because of Theory: Dyson, Eddington and the Competing Myths of the 1919 Eclipse Expedition, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the History of General Relativity, Tenerife, 2005, 2007, arXiv:0709.0685Bertotti, Bruno, The Cassini Experiment: Investigating the Nature of Gravity, Renn, Jürgen (编), One hundred authors for Einstein, Wiley-VCH: 402–405, 2005, ISBN 3-527-40574-7