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Bishop, B.M. Pharmacotherapy Considerations in the Management of Transgender Patients: A Brief Review. Pharmacotherapy. December 2015, 35 (12): 1130–9. PMID 26684553. S2CID 37001563. doi:10.1002/phar.1668.
Diamond, M.; Sigmundson, H.K. Management of intersexuality. Guidelines for dealing with persons with ambiguous genitalia. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. October 1997, 151 (10): 1046–50. PMID 9343018. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1997.02170470080015.
Djordjevic, M.L.; Stanojevic, D.; Bizic, M.; Kojovic, V.; Majstorovic, M.; Vujovic, S.; et al. Metoidioplasty as a single stage sex reassignment surgery in female transsexuals: Belgrade experience. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. May 2009, 6 (5): 1306–13. PMID 19175859. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.01065.x.
Bishop, B.M. Pharmacotherapy Considerations in the Management of Transgender Patients: A Brief Review. Pharmacotherapy. December 2015, 35 (12): 1130–9. PMID 26684553. S2CID 37001563. doi:10.1002/phar.1668.
Diamond, M.; Sigmundson, H.K. Management of intersexuality. Guidelines for dealing with persons with ambiguous genitalia. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. October 1997, 151 (10): 1046–50. PMID 9343018. doi:10.1001/archpedi.1997.02170470080015.
Bishop, B.M. Pharmacotherapy Considerations in the Management of Transgender Patients: A Brief Review. Pharmacotherapy. December 2015, 35 (12): 1130–9. PMID 26684553. S2CID 37001563. doi:10.1002/phar.1668.