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Joyal, C. C.; Cossette, A; Lapierre, V. What exactly is an unusual sexual fantasy?. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2014, 12 (2): 328–340. PMID 25359122. doi:10.1111/jsm.12734.
Visser, B. A; DeBow, V; Pozzebon, J. A; Bogaert, A. F; Book, A. Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality. Journal of Personality. 2015, 83 (4): 376–388. PMID 25041138. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110.
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Woodworth, M.; Freimuth, T.; Hutton, E. L.; Carpenter, T.; Agar, A. D.; Logan, M. High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 2013, 36 (2): 144–156. PMID 23395507. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.01.007.
Knight, R. A.; Sims-Knight, J. E. Testing an etiological model for male juvenile sexual offending against females. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 2004, 13 (3–4): 33–55. PMID 15914389. doi:10.1300/j070v13n03_03.
Carabellese, F.; Maniglio, R.; Greco, O.; Catanesi, R. The role of fantasy in a serial sexual offender: A brief review of the literature and a case report. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2010, 56 (1): 256–260. PMID 20707830. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01536.x.
Visser, B. A.; DeBow, V.; Pozzebon, J. A.; Bogaert, A. F.; Book, A. Psychopathic sexuality: The thin line between fantasy and reality. Journal of Personality. 2014, 83 (4): 376–388. PMID 25041138. doi:10.1111/jopy.12110.