Gesenius believed that the Samaritan Pentateuch contained only four valid variants as compared to the Masoretic text.(格泽纽斯认为相较于马所拉文本,《撒马利亚五经》只有四种变体版本是合理的。)(Montgomery 1907, p. 288.)
Tov 2001, p. 81 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Only in recent generations have the Samaritans written a few manuscripts – only for use outside their community – with full vocalization."(撒马利亚人在最近几代人所撰写的一些仅供外传的手稿中,标明了完整的发音。)
Although a paucity of extant source material makes it impossible to be certain that the earliest Samaritans also rejected the other books of the Tanakh, the third-century church father Origen confirms that the Samaritans in his day "receive[d] the books of Moses alone." (Commentary on John 13:26 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
Although a paucity of extant source material makes it impossible to be certain that the earliest Samaritans also rejected the other books of the Tanakh, the third-century church father Origen confirms that the Samaritans in his day "receive[d] the books of Moses alone." (Commentary on John 13:26 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆))
Tov 2001, p. 81 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). "Only in recent generations have the Samaritans written a few manuscripts – only for use outside their community – with full vocalization."(撒马利亚人在最近几代人所撰写的一些仅供外传的手稿中,标明了完整的发音。)