Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "支那" in Chinese language version.
Yu said Leung and Yau swore the oath to the “Hong Kong nation” with the banner “Hong Kong is not China,” and Leung crossed his finger during the course. They pronounced China as “Chee-na,” a derogatory term for China, which he said was widely used by Hong Kong independence advocates according to Wikipedia.
...陳碧笙先生以「印度支那半島」之名係日人自西文「Indo-China Peninsula」譯出「支那」一詞,乃日人對中國之稱謂,且含有輕視之意,我國不宜採用,故改譯為「中南半島」...陳先生主張更改,予亦主張更改。
...陳碧笙先生以「印度支那半島」之名係日人自西文「Indo-China Peninsula」譯出「支那」一詞,乃日人對中國之稱謂,且含有輕視之意,我國不宜採用,故改譯為「中南半島」...陳先生主張更改,予亦主張更改。
Yu said Leung and Yau swore the oath to the “Hong Kong nation” with the banner “Hong Kong is not China,” and Leung crossed his finger during the course. They pronounced China as “Chee-na,” a derogatory term for China, which he said was widely used by Hong Kong independence advocates according to Wikipedia.