Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "文化灭绝" in Chinese language version.
This Afghan statue of the Buddha, carved into a mountainside over 1,500 years ago, was destroyed by the Taliban, the intensely fundamental Islamic government that was deposed in 2001 by a United Nations-sanctioned invasion. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan according to its own interpretations of Islamic and tribal Pashtun laws. Islamic leaders throughout the world condemned the destruction as "un-Islamic" and "an act of cultural genocide against humanity."
The term 'ethnocide' has in the past been used as a replacement for cultural genocide (Palmer 1992; Smith 1991:30-3), with the obvious risk of confusing ethnicity and culture.
为空 (帮助)第 728 頁:令人深思的是,在西藏文化不断发展的今天,达赖集团却在国际上到处散布和大肆鼓噪"西藏的文化遭到了灭绝" ,并在一些国际敌对势力的支持下借此不断掀起反华舆论。从西藏民主改革 40 多年来的历史可以清楚地看出,达赖集团所谓的"文化灭绝"不是别...第 729 頁: 「随着封建农奴制的消灭,由极少数农奴主垄断西藏文化这种与旧制度相伴随的文化特性势必遭到"灭绝" ,政教合一、由宗教支配整个社会政治生活这种旧的文化专制主义也势必遭到"灭绝"」
Chinese scholars Ma Rong, Hu Angang and Hu Lianhe, who boldly proposed a Second Generation of Ethnic Policies to solve ethnic “problems” by aggressively assimilating minorities (Leibold 2012). They envisioned the “melting pot” formula of the West, in particular USA, as the ultimate “solution” to the ethnic “problems” of China, even though China’s native minorities are drastically different from diasporic immigrants in America(這段話是總結了以下學者的觀點:Elliott, Mark C. 2015. The Case of the Missing Indigene: Debate Over a “Second-Generation” Ethnic Policy. The China Journal (73): 186-213,308. )
That changed with Xi, under whom China launched a “second generation” approach to ethnic minorities in recent years. It rejects the old Soviet-based system, which allowed relative autonomy and preservation of language and culture in designated regions, in favor of a new “melting pot” approach that emphasizes assimilation into Han Chinese culture.
This Afghan statue of the Buddha, carved into a mountainside over 1,500 years ago, was destroyed by the Taliban, the intensely fundamental Islamic government that was deposed in 2001 by a United Nations-sanctioned invasion. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan according to its own interpretations of Islamic and tribal Pashtun laws. Islamic leaders throughout the world condemned the destruction as "un-Islamic" and "an act of cultural genocide against humanity."
The term 'ethnocide' has in the past been used as a replacement for cultural genocide (Palmer 1992; Smith 1991:30-3), with the obvious risk of confusing ethnicity and culture.
为空 (帮助)第 728 頁:令人深思的是,在西藏文化不断发展的今天,达赖集团却在国际上到处散布和大肆鼓噪"西藏的文化遭到了灭绝" ,并在一些国际敌对势力的支持下借此不断掀起反华舆论。从西藏民主改革 40 多年来的历史可以清楚地看出,达赖集团所谓的"文化灭绝"不是别...第 729 頁: 「随着封建农奴制的消灭,由极少数农奴主垄断西藏文化这种与旧制度相伴随的文化特性势必遭到"灭绝" ,政教合一、由宗教支配整个社会政治生活这种旧的文化专制主义也势必遭到"灭绝"」
That changed with Xi, under whom China launched a “second generation” approach to ethnic minorities in recent years. It rejects the old Soviet-based system, which allowed relative autonomy and preservation of language and culture in designated regions, in favor of a new “melting pot” approach that emphasizes assimilation into Han Chinese culture.
Chinese scholars Ma Rong, Hu Angang and Hu Lianhe, who boldly proposed a Second Generation of Ethnic Policies to solve ethnic “problems” by aggressively assimilating minorities (Leibold 2012). They envisioned the “melting pot” formula of the West, in particular USA, as the ultimate “solution” to the ethnic “problems” of China, even though China’s native minorities are drastically different from diasporic immigrants in America(這段話是總結了以下學者的觀點:Elliott, Mark C. 2015. The Case of the Missing Indigene: Debate Over a “Second-Generation” Ethnic Policy. The China Journal (73): 186-213,308. )