{{Cite journal |
title=The First Tiananmen Incident Revisited: Elite Politics and Crisis Management at the End of the Maoist Era |
url=http://www.jstor.org/stable/40022499 |
author1=Frederick C. Teiwes |
author2=Warren Sun |
journal=Pacific Affairs |
volume=77 |
issue=2 |
date=Summer 2004 |
pages=211-235 |
access-date=2014-01-14 |
archive-date=2021-03-08 |
archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210308184944/https://www.jstor.org/stable/40022499 |
dead-url=no |quote= Gao is a former deputy head of the Zhou Enlai section of the Central Documents Research Office, and as such had access to many sensitive materials. His book, however, is poorly referenced, so it is difficult to be completely certain of his specific claims. We are, however, satisfied concerning the general validity of what is presented here.}(英文)
{{Cite journal |
title=The First Tiananmen Incident Revisited: Elite Politics and Crisis Management at the End of the Maoist Era |
url=http://www.jstor.org/stable/40022499 |
author1=Frederick C. Teiwes |
author2=Warren Sun |
journal=Pacific Affairs |
volume=77 |
issue=2 |
date=Summer 2004 |
pages=211-235 |
access-date=2014-01-14 |
archive-date=2021-03-08 |
archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210308184944/https://www.jstor.org/stable/40022499 |
dead-url=no |quote= Gao is a former deputy head of the Zhou Enlai section of the Central Documents Research Office, and as such had access to many sensitive materials. His book, however, is poorly referenced, so it is difficult to be completely certain of his specific claims. We are, however, satisfied concerning the general validity of what is presented here.}(英文)