Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "有機農業史" in Chinese language version.
早在1924年,德國人魯道夫史坦納(Rudolf Steiner)便提出農作物有機栽培法,但與當時世界追求農業工業化與商品化的趨勢不符。直至1970年代,由於能源危機發生,生態環境日益惡化,農業生產力也出現衰退的情況(因地力過度耗損以及土壤環境遭到農藥、化肥污染等因素所致),世界各國才逐漸重視有機農業。再加上農業工業化後的農藥、環境荷爾蒙污染危及人類健康,以及開發中國家農產品生產過剩,使得農村人口外移衍生社會問題等,都迫使各國政府重新檢視其農業政策。
Sir Albert Howard (1873-1947) is often referred to as the father of modern Organic Agriculture. He noted the relationship between the rise and fall of civilisations and their agricultural practices.
早在1924年,德國人魯道夫史坦納(Rudolf Steiner)便提出農作物有機栽培法,但與當時世界追求農業工業化與商品化的趨勢不符。直至1970年代,由於能源危機發生,生態環境日益惡化,農業生產力也出現衰退的情況(因地力過度耗損以及土壤環境遭到農藥、化肥污染等因素所致),世界各國才逐漸重視有機農業。再加上農業工業化後的農藥、環境荷爾蒙污染危及人類健康,以及開發中國家農產品生產過剩,使得農村人口外移衍生社會問題等,都迫使各國政府重新檢視其農業政策。
Sir Albert Howard (1873-1947) is often referred to as the father of modern Organic Agriculture. He noted the relationship between the rise and fall of civilisations and their agricultural practices.
SINCE this book first appeared in 1940, it has been regarded as one of the most important contributions to the solution of soil rehabilitation problems ever published. More important, it has been regarded as the keystone of the organic movement.
SINCE this book first appeared in 1940, it has been regarded as one of the most important contributions to the solution of soil rehabilitation problems ever published. More important, it has been regarded as the keystone of the organic movement.