Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "木星" in Chinese language version.
Xu Huang apparently complained that the astronomy office had failed to give them proper emphasis to the eclipse and to other portents, including the movement of the planet Jupiter (taisui). At his instigation, Chen Shou/Yuan was summoned and questioned, and it was under this pressure that his advice implicated Liang Ji.
In Greek the name of the planet Jupiter is Dias, the Greek name of god Zeus.
被忽略 (帮助) – See section 3.4.五大行星異名極多……今日的通稱,與五大行星的顏色有關。行星並不像恆星那樣能自身發光,而是反射太陽光,而反射的光波波長與行星表面大氣成份有關。歲星青色,故稱木星;熒惑紅色,故稱火星;填星(鎮星)黃色,故稱土星;太白白色,故稱金星;辰星灰色,屬黑色系列,故稱水星。這樣的命名,剛好與五行所配的顏色相符。
Masayuki Tachikawa was observing ... 18:22 Universal Time on the 20th ... Kazuo Aoki posted an image ... Ishimaru of Toyama prefecture observed the event
Xu Huang apparently complained that the astronomy office had failed to give them proper emphasis to the eclipse and to other portents, including the movement of the planet Jupiter (taisui). At his instigation, Chen Shou/Yuan was summoned and questioned, and it was under this pressure that his advice implicated Liang Ji.
Masayuki Tachikawa was observing ... 18:22 Universal Time on the 20th ... Kazuo Aoki posted an image ... Ishimaru of Toyama prefecture observed the event
10 Sept. 2012 11:35 UT .. observed by Dan Petersen
In Greek the name of the planet Jupiter is Dias, the Greek name of god Zeus.
10 Sept. 2012 11:35 UT .. observed by Dan Petersen