爆震速度表 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "爆震速度表" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
2nd place
23rd place
18th place
57th place
833rd place
901st place


  • Shevchenko, A. A.; Dolgoborodov, A Yu; Brazhnikov, M. A.; Kirilenko, V. G. Pseudoideal detonation of mechanoactivated mixtures of ammonium perchlorate with nanoaluminum. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018, 946 (1): 012055. Bibcode:2018JPhCS.946a2055S. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/946/1/012055. 
  • Kozak, G.D. Measurement and calculation of the ideal detonation velocity for liquid nitrocompounds. Combust Explos Shock Waves. 1998, 34 (5): 584. doi:10.1007/BF02672682. 
  • Bolton, O.; Simke, L. R.; Pagoria, P. F.; Matzger, A. J. High Power Explosive with Good Sensitivity: A 2:1 Cocrystal of CL-20:HMX. Crystal Growth & Design. 2012, 12 (9): 4311. doi:10.1021/cg3010882. 


  • Data (PDF). www.dtic.mil. [2019-12-15]. 

