Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "獨裁政體" in Chinese language version.
,民主的基本旨向是指"人民的统治"、"多数人的统治" ,即民众的自我治理,与一人或少数人统治的 专制独裁相对立。
In the period between the two world wars four types of dictatorships were described by a number of scholars: constituional, the communist (nominally championing "dictatorship of the proletariat"), the counterrevolutionary, and the fascist. Many have rightfully questioned the distinctions between these prototypes. In fact, since World War II, we have recognized that the range of dictatorship is much broader than earlier posited and includes so-called Third World dictatorships in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and regligious dictatorships....They are also family dctatorships ....
Juan Linzquoted
轉型正義成為當今學術、文化界熱門的題目,主要是因為第三波民主化的刺激。在 1980 年代之後的這一波民主化中,亞洲、非洲、南美洲和東歐共產國家的許多威權 獨裁政體相繼崩潰。由於這一波的民主化是人類歷史上個案最多。規模最大的民主化 浪潮
第 394 頁 論及權威主義的開發體制,像昔曰的朴正熙、全斗煥時代的韓國,蒋介石、蒋經國時代的台灣都是如此。不過,近幾年來,韓國、台灣權威主義的開發體制都已經「溶解」了。...當時的民主正義黨盧泰愚提出八項民主化,有軍隊在背後...
緬甸是東南亞最為專制的國家.但是政治民主發展的意識,卻相當盛行,只是受到軍 政府的嚴格控制,尚未發生政體的轉變。尼溫將軍自 1962 年藉著政變而取得政權,他 的軍事獨裁政權,不斷受到青年學生的示威抗議,最後終於在 1988 年 7 月被迫辭職。....(三)緬甸的政府體制,目前仍然是 軍事獨裁政體,只是由一人獨裁變成獨裁軍事執政團(集體領專) ;在國會運作方面...
第 290 頁 在政治上,新成立的政权面临复杂的国内国际环境,常常采取集权措施实行独裁统治, 希望以政治垄断的手段迅速实现国家的现代化发展。例如,到 1985 年止,非洲除了 毛里求斯一个小国以外,居然没有出现过执政党被选举洶汰的情况 1 ,
In December 2002 a Beijing high school professor warned publicly of a looming 'capitalist fascist dictatorship'
其余的非洲军人奪权国家如尼日利亚、马达加斯加和毛里塔尼亚,都曾多次爆发政变 与反政变,军队内部的争夺权利也是基本原因之一
在《通往奴役之路》(The Road to Serfdom)一書中-一本精心策劃的普及書籍,海耶克主張在極權主義(totalitarianism)/社會主義(這兩者對海耶克而言,沒有什麼實質的差異)與自由主義的社會之間沒有任何可能的「中間路線」(middle way)存在。同時,波柏《開放社會及其敵人》的(The Open Society and its Enemies)(這本書也同樣地將自由主義放在對抗極權主義的位置),使得新自由主義之新右派的智識基礎由此建立。
because Hayek predicts the welfare state to develop into a full-fledged totalitarian socialist state.
The recent assassination of a leading secular opposition figure in Tunisia has cast a dark cloud on what many had hoped would serve as a model for democratic transition in countries swept by the Arab Spring. The sad fact is that many revolutions lead to renewed dictatorships. But the good news is that even a rocky and prolonged transition can produce stable democracy.
On November 12, Saudi Arabia, China, Vietnam, Russia, Cuba and Algeria were elected by secret ballot to three-year terms on the 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council. The accession of these authoritarian governments, including three ruled by communist parties, to a body mandated to work "objectively" to advance human rights leaves the council open to ridicule. ... The accession of so many dictatorships reflects both their skillful diplomacy and the absence of principle among the democracies.
,民主的基本旨向是指"人民的统治"、"多数人的统治" ,即民众的自我治理,与一人或少数人统治的 专制独裁相对立。
In the period between the two world wars four types of dictatorships were described by a number of scholars: constituional, the communist (nominally championing "dictatorship of the proletariat"), the counterrevolutionary, and the fascist. Many have rightfully questioned the distinctions between these prototypes. In fact, since World War II, we have recognized that the range of dictatorship is much broader than earlier posited and includes so-called Third World dictatorships in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and regligious dictatorships....They are also family dctatorships ....
Juan Linzquoted
轉型正義成為當今學術、文化界熱門的題目,主要是因為第三波民主化的刺激。在 1980 年代之後的這一波民主化中,亞洲、非洲、南美洲和東歐共產國家的許多威權 獨裁政體相繼崩潰。由於這一波的民主化是人類歷史上個案最多。規模最大的民主化 浪潮
On November 12, Saudi Arabia, China, Vietnam, Russia, Cuba and Algeria were elected by secret ballot to three-year terms on the 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council. The accession of these authoritarian governments, including three ruled by communist parties, to a body mandated to work "objectively" to advance human rights leaves the council open to ridicule. ... The accession of so many dictatorships reflects both their skillful diplomacy and the absence of principle among the democracies.
第 394 頁 論及權威主義的開發體制,像昔曰的朴正熙、全斗煥時代的韓國,蒋介石、蒋經國時代的台灣都是如此。不過,近幾年來,韓國、台灣權威主義的開發體制都已經「溶解」了。...當時的民主正義黨盧泰愚提出八項民主化,有軍隊在背後...
緬甸是東南亞最為專制的國家.但是政治民主發展的意識,卻相當盛行,只是受到軍 政府的嚴格控制,尚未發生政體的轉變。尼溫將軍自 1962 年藉著政變而取得政權,他 的軍事獨裁政權,不斷受到青年學生的示威抗議,最後終於在 1988 年 7 月被迫辭職。....(三)緬甸的政府體制,目前仍然是 軍事獨裁政體,只是由一人獨裁變成獨裁軍事執政團(集體領專) ;在國會運作方面...
第 290 頁 在政治上,新成立的政权面临复杂的国内国际环境,常常采取集权措施实行独裁统治, 希望以政治垄断的手段迅速实现国家的现代化发展。例如,到 1985 年止,非洲除了 毛里求斯一个小国以外,居然没有出现过执政党被选举洶汰的情况 1 ,
In December 2002 a Beijing high school professor warned publicly of a looming 'capitalist fascist dictatorship'
其余的非洲军人奪权国家如尼日利亚、马达加斯加和毛里塔尼亚,都曾多次爆发政变 与反政变,军队内部的争夺权利也是基本原因之一
The recent assassination of a leading secular opposition figure in Tunisia has cast a dark cloud on what many had hoped would serve as a model for democratic transition in countries swept by the Arab Spring. The sad fact is that many revolutions lead to renewed dictatorships. But the good news is that even a rocky and prolonged transition can produce stable democracy.
在《通往奴役之路》(The Road to Serfdom)一書中-一本精心策劃的普及書籍,海耶克主張在極權主義(totalitarianism)/社會主義(這兩者對海耶克而言,沒有什麼實質的差異)與自由主義的社會之間沒有任何可能的「中間路線」(middle way)存在。同時,波柏《開放社會及其敵人》的(The Open Society and its Enemies)(這本書也同樣地將自由主義放在對抗極權主義的位置),使得新自由主義之新右派的智識基礎由此建立。
because Hayek predicts the welfare state to develop into a full-fledged totalitarian socialist state.