Charles Cutler Torrey, trans. (1922), The History of the Conquest of Egypt, North Africa and Spain: Known as the Futūh Miṣr of Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam (Yale University Press); 另见John Harris Jones, trans. (1858), History of the Conquest of Spain (Göttingen: W. Fr. Kaestner), pp. 18–22 excerpted at Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The Islamic Conquest of Spain (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from Medieval Sourcebook.
Taken from Al Maggari: Tarik's Address to His Soldiers, 711 CE, from The Breath of Perfumes at Medieval Sourcebook, edited in Charles F. Horne (1917), The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East: Volume VI, Medieval Arabia (New York: Parke, Austin, and Lipscomb), 241–242. On p. 238 Horne explains that the "speech does not, however, preserve the actual words" of Ṭāriq and is the work more of a poet than of a historian.
Charles Cutler Torrey, trans. (1922), The History of the Conquest of Egypt, North Africa and Spain: Known as the Futūh Miṣr of Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam (Yale University Press); 另见John Harris Jones, trans. (1858), History of the Conquest of Spain (Göttingen: W. Fr. Kaestner), pp. 18–22 excerpted at Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The Islamic Conquest of Spain (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from Medieval Sourcebook.