Suvorov's Icebreaker (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Even besore the Nazis came to power, the Soviet leaders had given Hitler the unofficial name of ‘’. The name is both apt and fitting. The communists understood that Europe would be vulnerable only in the event of war and that the Icebreaker for the Revolution could make it vulnerable. Unaware of this, Adolf Hitler cleared the way for world communism by his actions. With his Blitzkrieg wars, Hitler crushed the Western democracies, scattering and dispersing his forces from Norway to Libya. This suited Stalin admirably. The Icebreaker committed the greatest crimes against the world and humanity, and, in doing so, placed in Stalin’s hands the moral right to declare himsels the liberator of Europe at any time he chose — while changing the concentration camps from brown to red."
Suvorov's Icebreaker (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Even besore the Nazis came to power, the Soviet leaders had given Hitler the unofficial name of ‘’. The name is both apt and fitting. The communists understood that Europe would be vulnerable only in the event of war and that the Icebreaker for the Revolution could make it vulnerable. Unaware of this, Adolf Hitler cleared the way for world communism by his actions. With his Blitzkrieg wars, Hitler crushed the Western democracies, scattering and dispersing his forces from Norway to Libya. This suited Stalin admirably. The Icebreaker committed the greatest crimes against the world and humanity, and, in doing so, placed in Stalin’s hands the moral right to declare himsels the liberator of Europe at any time he chose — while changing the concentration camps from brown to red."