"Two [...] of his diversions, against the French settlements in West Africa, were materially, as well as strategically, most successful. Both beautifully planned by Pitt and admirably carried out, the first under Captains Marsh and Mason, the second under Commodore Keppel, another of Pitt's boys in the thirties, resulted in the capture of all the French factories on that coast, including Goree and Senegal." Basil Williams, ""The Great Commoner", in The Whig Supremacy, 1714-1760 (London: Clarendon, 1939), 340-41; viewable at https://archive.org/stream/whigsupremacy171001761mbp/whigsupremacy171001761mbp_djvu.txt
Anon., "The History of the Last Session of Parliament" [1765-66]London Magazine, 59-60; viewable through the Hathi Trust at https://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015021278158. Discussed in Paul Langford, A Polite and Commercial People: England 1727-1783 (London: Clarendon, 1988), 620-21. ISBN9780198207337