Sharon Korman, The Right of Conquest: The Acquisition of Territory by Force in International Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 1996年, ISBN 0-19-828007-6, Google Print, 第75页 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Sharon Korman, The right of conquest: the acquisition of territory by force in international law and practice, Oxford University Press, 1996年, ISBN 0-19-828007-6, Google Print, 第74页
波兰(2008年版)来自大英百科全书. 在2008年5月5日查阅于大英百科全书网络版:(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) . 章节: History > The Commonwealth > Reforms, agony, and partitions > The First Partition
Sharon Korman, The Right of Conquest: The Acquisition of Territory by Force in International Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 1996年, ISBN 0-19-828007-6, Google Print, 第75页 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)