OFT 1999:「如果一個用語能使消費者因為不清楚該用語的意思而處於不利的情況的話,那這個用語就是可議的,即使律師有能力弄懂這個用語的意思也是如此」(A term is open to challenge if it could put the consumer at a disadvantage because he or she is not clear about its meaning – even if its meaning could be worked out by a lawyer.) What is an unfair term?. The Office of Fair Trading. May 1, 2011 [6 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于2013年3月28日).
OFT 1999:「如果一個用語能使消費者因為不清楚該用語的意思而處於不利的情況的話,那這個用語就是可議的,即使律師有能力弄懂這個用語的意思也是如此」(A term is open to challenge if it could put the consumer at a disadvantage because he or she is not clear about its meaning – even if its meaning could be worked out by a lawyer.) What is an unfair term?. The Office of Fair Trading. May 1, 2011 [6 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于2013年3月28日).