Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "老爸老妈的浪漫史集数列表" in Chinese language version.
For bibliophiles you may also recognize the title as a play on the famous book "Appointment in Samarra" and, yes, the episode follows the same sort of set up.
That which is beyond the impossible, at the place where the possible and the impossible meet.
The neologism, Platonish, perfectly sums up that not-quite-platonic relationship status…a status that, if you ask Barney, is true of every single male-female pair of friends who are both single (with one exception).
That which is beyond the impossible, at the place where the possible and the impossible meet.
The neologism, Platonish, perfectly sums up that not-quite-platonic relationship status…a status that, if you ask Barney, is true of every single male-female pair of friends who are both single (with one exception).
For bibliophiles you may also recognize the title as a play on the famous book "Appointment in Samarra" and, yes, the episode follows the same sort of set up.