聖餐禮 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "聖餐禮" in Chinese language version.

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1st place
1st place
281st place
395th place
910th place
767th place
low place
3,431st place
487th place
595th place
40th place
100th place
6th place
4th place
low place
low place
low place
7,586th place
low place
6,659th place
3rd place
8th place
7,885th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,811th place
low place
low place
low place
1,957th place
77th place
28th place
27th place
30th place




  • Articles of Religion页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Article 28, "The Body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten, in the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner. And the mean whereby the Body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper, is Faith."



  • WELS Topical Q&A: Real Presence / Holy Communion
  • WELS Topical Q&A: Real Presence, "We reject transubstantiation because the Bible teaches that the bread and the wine are still present in the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 10:16, 1 Corinthians 11:27-28). We do not worship the elements because Jesus commands us to eat and to drink the bread and the wine. He does not command us to worship them."
  • WELS Topical Q&A: Real Presence - Why not Transubtantiation?, "In the matter under discussion, the words of Jesus Christ are unmistakably clear: What is distributed and received in the Lord's Supper is his true body and blood. The words of the Apostle Paul are also unmistakably clear: The elements of bread and wine remain and are also distributed and received in the Lord's Supper. We embrace both truths."
  • Real Presence Communion – Consubstantiation?. WELS Topical Q&A. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. [26 Jan 2015]. (原始内容存档于2 January 2008). Although some Lutherans have used the term 'consbstantiation' [sic] and it might possibly be understood correctly (e.g., the bread & wine, body & blood coexist with each other in the Lord's Supper), most Lutherans reject the term because of the false connotation it contains...either that the body and blood, bread and wine come together to form one substance in the Lord’s Supper or that the body and blood are present in a natural manner like the bread and the wine. Lutherans believe that the bread and the wine are present in a natural manner in the Lord’s Supper and Christ’s true body and blood are present in an illocal, supernatural manner. 





  • Lectures on the Augsburg Confession. Theological Seminary of the United Lutheran Church in America (Lutheran Publication Society). 1888: 350 [13 June 2014]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-11). But in neither sense can that monstrous doctrine of Consubstantiation be attributed to our church, since Lutherans do not believe either in that local conjunction of two bodies, nor in any commingling of bread and of Christ's body, of wine and of his blood. 











  • Statement on the Lord's Supper页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, "we need to study Christ's words of institution in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and in 1 Corinthians, as well as St. Paul's additional statements about the Lord's Supper in 1 Corinthians 11 and 10. On that basis we can establish the following concerning the essence of the usus of the Lord's Supper (consecration, distribution, reception): 1. The real and substantial presence of Christ's body and blood during the usus. 2. The sacramental union of bread and wine and of Christ's body and blood during the usus..."
  • Real Presence Communion – Consubstantiation?. WELS Topical Q&A. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. [26 Jan 2015]. (原始内容存档于2 January 2008). Although some Lutherans have used the term 'consbstantiation' [sic] and it might possibly be understood correctly (e.g., the bread & wine, body & blood coexist with each other in the Lord's Supper), most Lutherans reject the term because of the false connotation it contains...either that the body and blood, bread and wine come together to form one substance in the Lord’s Supper or that the body and blood are present in a natural manner like the bread and the wine. Lutherans believe that the bread and the wine are present in a natural manner in the Lord’s Supper and Christ’s true body and blood are present in an illocal, supernatural manner. 
  • This We Believe: VI. The Means of Grace页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod



  • "我們所信",亞洲路德宗神學院:“我們相信那些在聖經的教義上合一並承認信仰一致的信徒,在情況許可下(《以弗所書》第4章第3节),他們可藉着聯合崇拜、傳揚福音、參與聖餐、祈禱及教會工作,顯示他們之間的團契。上帝指示信徒不要參與那些容許、支持或維護錯誤教導的團契(《約翰二書》第10章第11节)。當謬誤在教會中出現,基督徒應耐心地勸戒那些犯錯的人,嘗試保存團契,希望他們能從謬誤中改正過來(《提摩太後書》第2章第25节至第26节;《提多書》第3章第10节)。但上帝命令信徒不要和那些堅持及持守錯誤觀點或信念的人一同參與教會的團契(《羅馬書》第16章第17节至第18节)。”
