Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "臺灣地區" in Chinese language version.
六項保證是美國和台灣關係實施的准則,其規定美國不會……(6) 正式承認中國對台灣的主權(英語:Whereas the Six Assurances are guidelines to conduct relations between the United States and Taiwan and stipulate that the United States would not—......(6) formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.)
1982年,雷根還以總統的身份推動通過了所謂的「六項保證」(Six Assurances),其中一條是重申美國不會正式承認中國人對台灣的主權。不過,他依然遵守了1979年聯合公報中的條款,該公報確立了美國與中國的外交關係。
The United States supports Taiwan’s membership in international organizations that do not require statehood as a condition of membership and encourages Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations where its membership is not possible.
The United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.
六項保證是美國和台灣關係實施的准則,其規定美國不會……(6) 正式承認中國對台灣的主權(英語:Whereas the Six Assurances are guidelines to conduct relations between the United States and Taiwan and stipulate that the United States would not—......(6) formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.)
The United States would not formally recognize Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan.
1982年,雷根還以總統的身份推動通過了所謂的「六項保證」(Six Assurances),其中一條是重申美國不會正式承認中國人對台灣的主權。不過,他依然遵守了1979年聯合公報中的條款,該公報確立了美國與中國的外交關係。
The United States supports Taiwan’s membership in international organizations that do not require statehood as a condition of membership and encourages Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations where its membership is not possible.