第6376號憲報. 倫敦憲報. 29 May 1725. Order of the Bath Statutes, 27 May 1725. 第16972號憲報. 倫敦憲報. 4 February 1815. Order of the Bath Royal Order, 2 January 1815. 第20737號憲報. 倫敦憲報. 25 May 1847. Order of the Bath Letters Patent and Statutes, 24 May 1847.
第25641號憲報. 倫敦憲報. 9 November 1886. DSO Royal Warrant and Statutes 6 November 1886
第30250號憲報. 倫敦憲報 (Supplement). 24 August 1917. OBE Statutes 24 August 1917.