Kim, Tammy. "Immigrant Youth Remake South Philly after Anti-Asian Violence (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." Hyphen. 2011年7月21日. "Even the Ly brothers don't really know why the attacks occurred. Why, in December 2009, nearly 30 Asian students were violently assaulted, 13 of them rushed to the emergency room. Or how an incompetent, and, as it turns out, uncertified, principal reigned complacent through years of hostility." [...] "The events at South Philadelphia High School transformed the Ly brothers into activists, though Duong Thang disclaims the label. Having experienced the violence firsthand, they joined dozens of other Asian students in an eight-day boycott and brought legal and political pressure upon the school district, building a movement along the way."
Gammage, Jeff. "South Philadelphia High Asian students get safety instruction (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." Philadelphia Inquirer. 2010年9月6日. "Knowing how to report harassment or assault is a skill most would prefer not to need. But it's the reality of life at the school, where 30 Asians were attacked by groups of mostly African American students Dec. 3. The violence sent seven Asians to hospitals and led about 50 to stage a weeklong boycott."
Kim, Tammy. "Immigrant Youth Remake South Philly after Anti-Asian Violence (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." Hyphen. 2011年7月21日. "Even the Ly brothers don't really know why the attacks occurred. Why, in December 2009, nearly 30 Asian students were violently assaulted, 13 of them rushed to the emergency room. Or how an incompetent, and, as it turns out, uncertified, principal reigned complacent through years of hostility." [...] "The events at South Philadelphia High School transformed the Ly brothers into activists, though Duong Thang disclaims the label. Having experienced the violence firsthand, they joined dozens of other Asian students in an eight-day boycott and brought legal and political pressure upon the school district, building a movement along the way."
Gammage, Jeff. "South Philadelphia High Asian students get safety instruction (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." Philadelphia Inquirer. 2010年9月6日. "Knowing how to report harassment or assault is a skill most would prefer not to need. But it's the reality of life at the school, where 30 Asians were attacked by groups of mostly African American students Dec. 3. The violence sent seven Asians to hospitals and led about 50 to stage a weeklong boycott."