逐底競爭 (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "逐底競爭" in Chinese language version.

Global rank Chinese rank
1st place
1st place
49th place
81st place
79th place
143rd place
low place
482nd place
254th place
330th place


  • C.W. Racing to the bottom. The Economist. 27 November 2013 [15 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-24). But the race to the bottom operates more subtly than most people suppose. The regressions suggest that while countries do compete with each other by instituting laws that are unfriendly to workers, such competition is not that pronounced. The real problem is that countries compete by enforcing labour laws less vigorously than they might—leading to increases in violations of labour rights prescribed in local laws. Competition between countries to attract investment is less in rules than in their practical application. 



  • Hannon, Paul; Davidson, Kate. 美国提出的全球最低企业税率赢得国际支持. 華爾街日報. 2021-07-05 [2023-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-29). 今天由占全球GDP 90%以上的130个国家和地区达成的协议是一个明确的信号:竞次(race to the bottom)离结束又近了一步。 
  • 马晓华. 许云峰 , 编. 胡颖廉:食安监管关注底线 也应重视上限. 第一財經. 2017-06-02 [2023-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-29). 而忽视了安全的质量,这样会带来一个问题,就是竞次(race to bottom) 
  • C.W. Racing to the bottom. The Economist. 27 November 2013 [15 March 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-24). But the race to the bottom operates more subtly than most people suppose. The regressions suggest that while countries do compete with each other by instituting laws that are unfriendly to workers, such competition is not that pronounced. The real problem is that countries compete by enforcing labour laws less vigorously than they might—leading to increases in violations of labour rights prescribed in local laws. Competition between countries to attract investment is less in rules than in their practical application. 


