Schonberger(1974年),第203-208页 Schonberger, Howard. The General and the Presidency: Douglas MacArthur and the Election of 1948. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. Spring 1974, 57 (3). JSTOR 4634887. doi:10.2307/1988372(英语).
Schonberger(1974年),第213页 Schonberger, Howard. The General and the Presidency: Douglas MacArthur and the Election of 1948. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. Spring 1974, 57 (3). JSTOR 4634887. doi:10.2307/1988372(英语).
Schonberger(1974年),第203-208页 Schonberger, Howard. The General and the Presidency: Douglas MacArthur and the Election of 1948. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. Spring 1974, 57 (3). JSTOR 4634887. doi:10.2307/1988372(英语).
Schonberger(1974年),第213页 Schonberger, Howard. The General and the Presidency: Douglas MacArthur and the Election of 1948. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. Spring 1974, 57 (3). JSTOR 4634887. doi:10.2307/1988372(英语).
歷史學家斯蒂芬·塔菲(Stephen R. Taaffe)指出荷蘭迪亞的重要性實際上被盟軍高估了,該地不怎麼適合作為航空兵基地,使麥克阿瑟仍繼續向西尋求更適合的地點。同時,以荷蘭迪亞之戰結尾的對第18軍封鎖行動,雖確實使日軍大量部隊滯留於太平洋,但另一方面也束縛了相當數量的盟軍用於牽制他們,逃入新幾內亞內陸的第18軍也未完全潰敗,至7月中旬第18軍司令安達二十三中將仍有發起對德爾尼諾姆河反攻(英语:Battle of Driniumor River)的能力[179]。
Vierk(2005年),第231页 Vierk, Valerie Lee. Gold Stars and Purple Hearts: the War Dead of the Ravenna, Nebraska Area. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse. 2005. ISBN 978-1-4208-7607-9. OCLC 70700519(英语).
Thompson(2006年),第72页 Thompson, James. Complete Guide to United States Marine Corps Medals, Badges and Insignia: World War II to Present. Fountain Inn, South Carolina: MOA Press. 2006. ISBN 978-1-884452-43-7. OCLC 131299310(英语).
Wolk(1988年),第93页 Wolk, Herman S. George C. Kenney: MacArthur's Premier Airman. Leary (编). We Shall Return! MacArthur's Commanders and the Defeat of Japan, 1942–1945. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky. 1988: 88–114. ISBN 978-0-8131-9105-8. OCLC 17483104(英语).
Drea,Bradsher & Hanyok(2006年),第7页 Drea, Edward; Bradsher, Greg; Hanyok, Robert; Lide, James; Petersen, Michael; Yang, Daqing. Researching Japanese War Crimes Records. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. 2006. ISBN 978-1-880875-28-5. OCLC 71126844(英语).