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Haynes, Alex B.; Weiser, Thomas G.; Berry, William R.; Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Breizat, Abdel-Hadi S.; Dellinger, E. Patchen; Herbosa, Teodoro; Joseph, Sudhir; Kibatala, Pascience L.; Lapitan, Marie Carmela M.; Merry, Alan F.; Moorthy, Krishna; Reznick, Richard K.; Taylor, Bryce; Gawande, Atul A. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population(PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 29 January 2009, 360 (5): 491–499. PMID 19144931. doi:10.1056/NEJMsa0810119.
Bergs, J.; Hellings, J.; Cleemput, I.; Zurel, Ö.; De Troyer, V.; Van Hiel, M.; Demeere, J.-L.; Claeys, D.; Vandijck, D. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of the World Health Organization surgical safety checklist on postoperative complications. British Journal of Surgery. February 2014, 101 (3): 150–158. PMID 24469615. doi:10.1002/bjs.9381.
Shekelle PG; Ortiz E; Rhodes S; et al. Validity of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality clinical practice guidelines: how quickly do guidelines become outdated?. JAMA. 2001, 286 (12): 1461–7. PMID 11572738. doi:10.1001/jama.286.12.1461.
Brito JP; Domecq JP; Murad MH; Guyatt GH; et al. The Endocrine Society guidelines: when the confidence cart goes before the evidence horse. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013, 98 (8): 3246–52. PMID 23783104. doi:10.1210/jc.2013-1814.
Haynes, Alex B.; Weiser, Thomas G.; Berry, William R.; Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Breizat, Abdel-Hadi S.; Dellinger, E. Patchen; Herbosa, Teodoro; Joseph, Sudhir; Kibatala, Pascience L.; Lapitan, Marie Carmela M.; Merry, Alan F.; Moorthy, Krishna; Reznick, Richard K.; Taylor, Bryce; Gawande, Atul A. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population(PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 29 January 2009, 360 (5): 491–499. PMID 19144931. doi:10.1056/NEJMsa0810119.
Haynes, Alex B.; Weiser, Thomas G.; Berry, William R.; Lipsitz, Stuart R.; Breizat, Abdel-Hadi S.; Dellinger, E. Patchen; Herbosa, Teodoro; Joseph, Sudhir; Kibatala, Pascience L.; Lapitan, Marie Carmela M.; Merry, Alan F.; Moorthy, Krishna; Reznick, Richard K.; Taylor, Bryce; Gawande, Atul A. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population(PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 29 January 2009, 360 (5): 491–499. PMID 19144931. doi:10.1056/NEJMsa0810119.
Bergs, J.; Hellings, J.; Cleemput, I.; Zurel, Ö.; De Troyer, V.; Van Hiel, M.; Demeere, J.-L.; Claeys, D.; Vandijck, D. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of the World Health Organization surgical safety checklist on postoperative complications. British Journal of Surgery. February 2014, 101 (3): 150–158. PMID 24469615. doi:10.1002/bjs.9381.
Shekelle PG; Ortiz E; Rhodes S; et al. Validity of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality clinical practice guidelines: how quickly do guidelines become outdated?. JAMA. 2001, 286 (12): 1461–7. PMID 11572738. doi:10.1001/jama.286.12.1461.
Brito JP; Domecq JP; Murad MH; Guyatt GH; et al. The Endocrine Society guidelines: when the confidence cart goes before the evidence horse. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013, 98 (8): 3246–52. PMID 23783104. doi:10.1210/jc.2013-1814.