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Heßberger, F. P.; Hofmann, S.; Ninov, V.; Armbruster, P.; Folger, H.; Münzenberg, G.; Schött, H. J.; Popeko, A. K.; Yeremin, A. V. ; Andreyev, A. N.; Saro, S. Spontaneous fission and alpha-decay properties of neutron deficient isotopes 257−253104 and 258106. Zeitschrift für Physik A. 1997, 359 (4): 415. Bibcode:1997ZPhyA.359..415A. doi:10.1007/s002180050422.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; et al. Measurements of cross sections and decay properties of the isotopes of elements 112, 114, and 116 produced in the fusion reactions U233, 238, Pu242, and Cm248+Ca48. Physical Review C. 2004, 70 (6). Bibcode:2004PhRvC..70f4609O. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.70.064609. 引文格式1维护:显式使用等标签 (link)
Schädel, M. Chemistry of the superheavy elements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2015, 373 (2037): 20140191. ISSN 1364-503X. PMID 25666065. doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0191(英语).
Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Utyonkov, V. K.; Ibadullayev, D.; et al. Investigation of 48Ca-induced reactions with 242Pu and 238U targets at the JINR Superheavy Element Factory. Physical Review C. 2022, 106 (24612): 024612. Bibcode:2022PhRvC.106b4612O. S2CID 251759318. doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.106.024612.
Barber, R. C.; Greenwood, N. N.; Hrynkiewicz, A. Z.; Jeannin, Y. P.; Lefort, M.; Sakai, M.; Ulehla, I.; Wapstra, A. P.; Wilkinson, D. H. Discovery of the transfermium elements. Part II: Introduction to discovery profiles. Part III: Discovery profiles of the transfermium elements. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 1993, 65 (8): 1757–1814. S2CID 195819585. doi:10.1351/pac199365081757.
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Zagrebaev, V.; Karpov, A.; Greiner, W. Future of superheavy element research: Which nuclei could be synthesized within the next few years?. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2013, 420: 3. ISSN 1742-6588. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/420/1/012001(英语).
Staszczak, A.; Baran, A.; Nazarewicz, W. Spontaneous fission modes and lifetimes of superheavy elements in the nuclear density functional theory. Physical Review C. 2013, 87 (2): 024320–1. ISSN 0556-2813. doi:10.1103/physrevc.87.024320(英语).
Aksenov, N. V.; Steinegger, P.; Abdullin, F. Sh.; et al. On the volatility of nihonium (Nh, Z = 113). The European Physical Journal A. 2017, 53 (7): 158. ISSN 1434-6001. doi:10.1140/epja/i2017-12348-8(英语).
Oganessian, Yu. Nuclei in the "Island of Stability" of Superheavy Elements. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2012, 337: 012005–1–012005–6. ISSN 1742-6596. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/337/1/012005(英语).
Schädel, M. Chemistry of the superheavy elements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2015, 373 (2037): 20140191. ISSN 1364-503X. PMID 25666065. doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0191(英语).