Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "防火长城" in Chinese language version.
Outlook users in China accessing their email through an email client saw a pop-up message saying “Cannot Verify Server Identity” and asking if they wanted to continue anyway
第四十一条 国家建立数据跨境安全网关,对来源于中华人民共和国境外、法律和行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息予以阻断传播。
We demonstrate that HTTP HTML response filtering was likely discontinued on many routes between August 2008 and January 2009, and that the apparent ineffectiveness of this form of filtering, which results from its distributed nature, was likely a cause for this.
According to a paper published by its designers, GFW relies on null routing (see figure 1) to block IP packets by blacklisting destination addresses. By peering with the gateway routers of all Chinese ISPs, GFW injects routing information into BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and hijacks all traffic to blocked websites—such as
Inspired by initial work on the Great Firewall of China (GFC)’s keyword filtering mechanism, we sought a better understanding of its implementation and found it to be not a firewall at all, but rather a panopticon where the presence of censorship, even if easy to evade, promotes self-censorship.
他也认为透过方滨兴和李开复的微博对话,基本可以确认网友早前的判断,既方滨兴本人已经不再直接负责中国政府防火长城项目。据毛向辉透露,目前防火墙项目已经交给一家叫"启明星辰"的技术公司和一些管理成熟的团队。德国之声也了解到,这家 "启明星辰"为一家上市公司。
Astrill claimed in a Wednesday notice that since this year, VPN protocols used on iOS devices, including IPSec, L2TP/IPSec and PPTP, are not accessible in China in almost real-time.
Fang Binxing, president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, attributed the interruptions to Internet service providers' economic concerns.
"Service providers have to pay the bill of the international Internet flow for their users. So there is incentive for the companies to discourage users to visit foreign websites," he said.
An anonymous official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology declined to explain why foreign websites were frequently inaccessible a telephone interview with the Global Times, and instead urged users to "check their own technology problems and with the websites' servers on the first place."
We demonstrate that HTTP HTML response filtering was likely discontinued on many routes between August 2008 and January 2009, and that the apparent ineffectiveness of this form of filtering, which results from its distributed nature, was likely a cause for this.
Although TLS 1.3 [I-D.ietf-tls-tls13] encrypts most of the handshake, including the server certificate, there are several other channels that allow an on-path attacker to determine the domain name the client is trying to connect to, including:…
Cleartext Server Name Indication (SNI) [RFC6066] in ClientHello messages.
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted. The newly introduced EncryptedExtensions message allows various extensions previously sent in the clear in the ServerHello to also enjoy confidentiality protection.
First, "garbage binary" probes, containing nothing more than arbitrary (but sometimes repeated in later probes) binary data, were experienced by the non-China side of any connection that originated from China to TCP port 443 (HTTPS) in which an SSL negotiation was performed. This probe was performed in near-real-time after the connection was established,
The second type of probe, on the other hand, is aimed quite directly at Tor. When a Tor client within China connected to a US-based bridge relay, we consistently found that at the next round 15 minute interval (HH:00, HH:15, HH:30, HH:45), the bridge relay would receive a probe from hosts within China that not only established a TCP connection, but performed an SSL negotiation, an SSL renegotiation, and then spoke the Tor protocol sufficiently to build a one-hop circuit and send a BEGIN_DIR cell.
之前用+tcp的方式强制tcp查询域名是可以获得正确的结果的。但是据twitter上的@chengr28 报告已经会触发tcp rst了。
We demonstrate that HTTP HTML response filtering was likely discontinued on many routes between August 2008 and January 2009, and that the apparent ineffectiveness of this form of filtering, which results from its distributed nature, was likely a cause for this.
Inspired by initial work on the Great Firewall of China (GFC)’s keyword filtering mechanism, we sought a better understanding of its implementation and found it to be not a firewall at all, but rather a panopticon where the presence of censorship, even if easy to evade, promotes self-censorship.
“The rule was supposed to be, ‘Block everything going to this IP address,’” said Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the International Computer Science Institute, which is affiliated with the University of California at Berkeley. “Instead, they screwed up and probably wrote the rule as ‘Block everything by referring to this IP address.’”
第四十一条 国家建立数据跨境安全网关,对来源于中华人民共和国境外、法律和行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息予以阻断传播。
A computer engineer in his late 30s, Comrade overseeing efforts to build a digital equivalent to China's Great Wall. Under construction since last year, what's officially known as the "firewall" is designed to keep Chinese cyberspace free of pollutants of all sorts
Although TLS 1.3 [I-D.ietf-tls-tls13] encrypts most of the handshake, including the server certificate, there are several other channels that allow an on-path attacker to determine the domain name the client is trying to connect to, including:…
Cleartext Server Name Indication (SNI) [RFC6066] in ClientHello messages.
We demonstrate that HTTP HTML response filtering was likely discontinued on many routes between August 2008 and January 2009, and that the apparent ineffectiveness of this form of filtering, which results from its distributed nature, was likely a cause for this.
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted. The newly introduced EncryptedExtensions message allows various extensions previously sent in the clear in the ServerHello to also enjoy confidentiality protection.
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted.
之前用+tcp的方式强制tcp查询域名是可以获得正确的结果的。但是据twitter上的@chengr28 报告已经会触发tcp rst了。
“The rule was supposed to be, ‘Block everything going to this IP address,’” said Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the International Computer Science Institute, which is affiliated with the University of California at Berkeley. “Instead, they screwed up and probably wrote the rule as ‘Block everything by referring to this IP address.’”
Astrill claimed in a Wednesday notice that since this year, VPN protocols used on iOS devices, including IPSec, L2TP/IPSec and PPTP, are not accessible in China in almost real-time.
First, "garbage binary" probes, containing nothing more than arbitrary (but sometimes repeated in later probes) binary data, were experienced by the non-China side of any connection that originated from China to TCP port 443 (HTTPS) in which an SSL negotiation was performed. This probe was performed in near-real-time after the connection was established,
The second type of probe, on the other hand, is aimed quite directly at Tor. When a Tor client within China connected to a US-based bridge relay, we consistently found that at the next round 15 minute interval (HH:00, HH:15, HH:30, HH:45), the bridge relay would receive a probe from hosts within China that not only established a TCP connection, but performed an SSL negotiation, an SSL renegotiation, and then spoke the Tor protocol sufficiently to build a one-hop circuit and send a BEGIN_DIR cell.
Fang Binxing, president of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, attributed the interruptions to Internet service providers' economic concerns.
"Service providers have to pay the bill of the international Internet flow for their users. So there is incentive for the companies to discourage users to visit foreign websites," he said.
An anonymous official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology declined to explain why foreign websites were frequently inaccessible a telephone interview with the Global Times, and instead urged users to "check their own technology problems and with the websites' servers on the first place."
他也认为透过方滨兴和李开复的微博对话,基本可以确认网友早前的判断,既方滨兴本人已经不再直接负责中国政府防火长城项目。据毛向辉透露,目前防火墙项目已经交给一家叫"启明星辰"的技术公司和一些管理成熟的团队。德国之声也了解到,这家 "启明星辰"为一家上市公司。
Inspired by initial work on the Great Firewall of China (GFC)’s keyword filtering mechanism, we sought a better understanding of its implementation and found it to be not a firewall at all, but rather a panopticon where the presence of censorship, even if easy to evade, promotes self-censorship.
A computer engineer in his late 30s, Comrade overseeing efforts to build a digital equivalent to China's Great Wall. Under construction since last year, what's officially known as the "firewall" is designed to keep Chinese cyberspace free of pollutants of all sorts
All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted.
According to a paper published by its designers, GFW relies on null routing (see figure 1) to block IP packets by blacklisting destination addresses. By peering with the gateway routers of all Chinese ISPs, GFW injects routing information into BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and hijacks all traffic to blocked websites—such as
Outlook users in China accessing their email through an email client saw a pop-up message saying “Cannot Verify Server Identity” and asking if they wanted to continue anyway