WELS Topical Q&A: Syriac Peshitta Text, "At the time of Jesus the Jews spoke Greek when they were in public. Even the messages sent by the Jews at Masada from one level of the fortress to another level were in Greek. Aramaic was spoken usually only in the home and synagogue. So Jesus most often spoke Greek during his public ministry, and the gospels written in Greek reflect his meaning clearly. The Peshitta Syriac translation is a translation from the Greek and so does not reflect the meaning of what Jesus said better than the Greek does."
WELS Topical Q&A: The languages Jesus spoke, "In a few instances the gospel writers did preserve Aramaic words spoken by Jesus. A couple of those instances are Matthew 27:46 and Mark 5:41. That being said, the premise that Jesus spoke exclusively in Aramaic cannot be substantiated. In the early first century A.D. it was common for Jews to speak Greek in public. There are historical examples of that practice. It would not have been unusual for Jesus to follow that pattern—using Greek in his conversations in public and Aramaic at other times."