Glauber, Johann Rudolph, Prosperitas Germaniae (The prosperity of Germany), part 3 (Amsterdam, (Netherlands): Johann Jansson, 1659), pp. 93–94. From pp. 93–94: " … donec tandem Magnesiam istam nitro fixo permixtam, in crucibulo forti coctione a nitro reseratam vidi, unde elegans color purpureus provenit, massam hanc effusam in pulvere redegi, aqua calida extraxi, per filtrum liquorem transmisi. Tandem vero elegantissimum purpureum, igneumque liquorem accepi, qui fere singulis horis in frigore tantummodo consistens colorem permutavit, sic ut jam viridis, jam caerulei, jam sanguinei coloris sponte sua factus sit, mox iterum alios elegantissimos colores receperit." ( … until finally I saw [that] by mixing that magnesia [i.e., magnesia nigra, Pyrolusite, the ore containing manganese dioxide ] with fixed niter [i.e., inert niter, potassium carbonate], by cooking [it] in a strong crucible, [the colored compound was] released by the niter, whence a fine purple color arises; this mass [was] poured out, reduced to powder, extracted with hot water, [and] the solution passed through a filter. Then I got a truly most elegant, purple, and fiery solution, which nearly every hour ([while] standing just in the cold) changed color, so that it was spontaneously made now green, now blue, now red in color; soon again it received other most elegant colors.) Glauber JR. Prosperitatis Germaniae pars .... 3: In qua Salpetrae ex variis ubiq, obviis subiectis facillime atque copiose extrahendi modus traditur. Eiusve utilitates summae declarantur [Part of the Prosperity of Germany .... 3: In which the method of extracting saltpeter from various everywhere, in the most convenient and abundant manner, is given. His interests are clearly stated]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-20) –通过Bavarian State Library (Latin). 引文格式1维护:未识别语文类型 (link) Translated in: Glauber JR. The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber. 由Packe C翻译. London, England: Thomas Millbourn. 1689: 353. (原始内容存档于2012-01-07).
Glauber, Johann Rudolph, Prosperitas Germaniae (The prosperity of Germany), part 3 (Amsterdam, (Netherlands): Johann Jansson, 1659), pp. 93–94. From pp. 93–94: " … donec tandem Magnesiam istam nitro fixo permixtam, in crucibulo forti coctione a nitro reseratam vidi, unde elegans color purpureus provenit, massam hanc effusam in pulvere redegi, aqua calida extraxi, per filtrum liquorem transmisi. Tandem vero elegantissimum purpureum, igneumque liquorem accepi, qui fere singulis horis in frigore tantummodo consistens colorem permutavit, sic ut jam viridis, jam caerulei, jam sanguinei coloris sponte sua factus sit, mox iterum alios elegantissimos colores receperit." ( … until finally I saw [that] by mixing that magnesia [i.e., magnesia nigra, Pyrolusite, the ore containing manganese dioxide ] with fixed niter [i.e., inert niter, potassium carbonate], by cooking [it] in a strong crucible, [the colored compound was] released by the niter, whence a fine purple color arises; this mass [was] poured out, reduced to powder, extracted with hot water, [and] the solution passed through a filter. Then I got a truly most elegant, purple, and fiery solution, which nearly every hour ([while] standing just in the cold) changed color, so that it was spontaneously made now green, now blue, now red in color; soon again it received other most elegant colors.) Glauber JR. Prosperitatis Germaniae pars .... 3: In qua Salpetrae ex variis ubiq, obviis subiectis facillime atque copiose extrahendi modus traditur. Eiusve utilitates summae declarantur [Part of the Prosperity of Germany .... 3: In which the method of extracting saltpeter from various everywhere, in the most convenient and abundant manner, is given. His interests are clearly stated]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-20) –通过Bavarian State Library (Latin). 引文格式1维护:未识别语文类型 (link) Translated in: Glauber JR. The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber. 由Packe C翻译. London, England: Thomas Millbourn. 1689: 353. (原始内容存档于2012-01-07).
Glauber, Johann Rudolph, Prosperitas Germaniae (The prosperity of Germany), part 3 (Amsterdam, (Netherlands): Johann Jansson, 1659), pp. 93–94. From pp. 93–94: " … donec tandem Magnesiam istam nitro fixo permixtam, in crucibulo forti coctione a nitro reseratam vidi, unde elegans color purpureus provenit, massam hanc effusam in pulvere redegi, aqua calida extraxi, per filtrum liquorem transmisi. Tandem vero elegantissimum purpureum, igneumque liquorem accepi, qui fere singulis horis in frigore tantummodo consistens colorem permutavit, sic ut jam viridis, jam caerulei, jam sanguinei coloris sponte sua factus sit, mox iterum alios elegantissimos colores receperit." ( … until finally I saw [that] by mixing that magnesia [i.e., magnesia nigra, Pyrolusite, the ore containing manganese dioxide ] with fixed niter [i.e., inert niter, potassium carbonate], by cooking [it] in a strong crucible, [the colored compound was] released by the niter, whence a fine purple color arises; this mass [was] poured out, reduced to powder, extracted with hot water, [and] the solution passed through a filter. Then I got a truly most elegant, purple, and fiery solution, which nearly every hour ([while] standing just in the cold) changed color, so that it was spontaneously made now green, now blue, now red in color; soon again it received other most elegant colors.) Glauber JR. Prosperitatis Germaniae pars .... 3: In qua Salpetrae ex variis ubiq, obviis subiectis facillime atque copiose extrahendi modus traditur. Eiusve utilitates summae declarantur [Part of the Prosperity of Germany .... 3: In which the method of extracting saltpeter from various everywhere, in the most convenient and abundant manner, is given. His interests are clearly stated]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-20) –通过Bavarian State Library (Latin). 引文格式1维护:未识别语文类型 (link) Translated in: Glauber JR. The Works of the Highly Experienced and Famous Chymist, John Rudolph Glauber. 由Packe C翻译. London, England: Thomas Millbourn. 1689: 353. (原始内容存档于2012-01-07).