Chesser, R Terry; Banks, Richard C; Barker, F Keith; Cicero, Carla; Dunn, Jon L; Kratter, Andrew W; Lovette, Irby J; Rasmussen, Pamela C; Remsen, JV Jr; Rising, James D; Stotz, Douglas F; Winker, Kevin. Fifty-First Supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds. The Auk. 2010, 127 (3): 726–744 [734–735]. doi:10.1525/auk.2010.127.4.966.
Evans, Matthew R.; Burn, Joe L. An experimental analysis of mate choice in the wren: a monomorphic, polygynous passerine. Behavioral Ecology. 1966, 7 (1): 101–108. doi:10.1093/beheco/7.1.101.
Plutarch, Political Precepts xii.806e; Laura Gibb, tr. Aesop's Fable #238 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); Plutarch's brief account is referenced by Erasmus, Adages iii.7.1, accounting for the hostility of the eagle ("a creature at war with everyone") towards the wren
Gesner, Conrad. [659,%22view%22:%22info%22} Historiae animalium liber III qui est de auium natura. Adiecti sunt ab initio indices alphabetici decem super nominibus auium in totidem linguis diuersis: & ante illos enumeratio auium eo ordiné quo in hoc volumine continentur]. Zurich: Froschauer. 1555: 625–627 (拉丁语).
Plutarch, Political Precepts xii.806e; Laura Gibb, tr. Aesop's Fable #238 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆); Plutarch's brief account is referenced by Erasmus, Adages iii.7.1, accounting for the hostility of the eagle ("a creature at war with everyone") towards the wren