«Barry Commoner». Barry Commoner Center for Health and the Environment. [Consulta: 27 setembre 2020].
«Program». Critical Genetics Project. Queens College, City University of New York, 04-12-2002. Arxivat de l'original el 2003-02-11. [Consulta: 28 setembre 2020].
Commoner, BarryBulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 5-1972, pàg. 17–56. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.1972.11457931. «Population control (as distinct from voluntary, self-initiated control of fertility), no matter how disguised, involves some measure of political repression, and would burden the poor nations with the social cost of a situation—overpopulation—which is the current outcome of their previous exploitation, as colonies, by the wealthy nations.»
«Program». Critical Genetics Project. Queens College, City University of New York, 04-12-2002. Arxivat de l'original el 2003-02-11. [Consulta: 28 setembre 2020].