«Comfort-Women.org». Comfort-Women.org. Arxivat de l'original el 2009-11-03. [Consulta: 3 novembre 2009].
Lee, Kyong «Political democracy and archival development in the management of presidential records in the Republic of Korea». The American Archivist, 69, 1, 2006, pàg. 118-119. DOI: 10.17723/aarc.69.1.e8q25q2rk075138n.
Metropolitan Museum of Art«Yayoi Culture:». "La metal·lúrgia també fou introduïda pel continent asiàtic durant aquell temps. El bronze i ferro s'utilitzaven per a fer armes, armadures, eines, i objectes rituals com campanes (dotaku)" "Metallurgy was also introduced from the Asian mainland during this time. Bronze and iron were used to make weapons, armor, tools, and ritual implements such as bells (dotaku)".