Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Global opvarmning" in Danish language version.
Recently analyzed satellite-derived global precipitation datasets from 1987 to 2006 indicate an increase in global-mean precipitation of 1.1%–1.4% decade−1. This trend corresponds to a hydrological sensitivity (HS) of 7% K−1 of global warming, which is close to the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) rate expected from the increase in saturation water vapor pressure with temperature. Analysis of two available global ocean evaporation datasets confirms this observed intensification of the atmospheric water cycle. The observed hydrological sensitivity over the past 20-yr period is higher by a factor of 5 than the average HS of 1.4% K−1 simulated in state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
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(hjælp)(Global warming is a) gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFC’s, and other pollutants.
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(hjælp), p.2{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp)Evidence for a warming world comes from multiple independent climate indicators, from high up in the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans. They include changes in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures; glaciers; snow cover; sea ice; sea level and atmospheric water vapour. Scientists from all over the world have independently verified this evidence many times.
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(hjælp)Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth's energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total. Melting ice (including Arctic sea ice, ice sheets and glaciers) and warming of the continents and atmosphere account for the remainder of the change in energy.
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp). Summary for Policymakers Summary for Policymakers.Even if atmospheric composition were fixed today, global-mean temperature and sea level rise would continue due to oceanic thermal inertia. These constant-composition (CC) commitments and their uncertainties are quantified. Constant-emissions (CE) commitments are also considered. The CC warming commitment could exceed 1C. The CE warming commitment is 2 to 6C by the year 2400." (...) "A breakdown of the natural and anthropogenic components of the CC commitment, together with uncertainties arising from ocean mixing (Kz) uncertainties, is given in table S1. Past natural forcing (inclusion of which is the default case here) has a marked effect. The natural forcing component is surprisingly large, 64% of the total commitment in 2050, reducing to 52% by 2400.
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Ekstra tegnsætning (link) CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)Recently analyzed satellite-derived global precipitation datasets from 1987 to 2006 indicate an increase in global-mean precipitation of 1.1%–1.4% decade−1. This trend corresponds to a hydrological sensitivity (HS) of 7% K−1 of global warming, which is close to the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) rate expected from the increase in saturation water vapor pressure with temperature. Analysis of two available global ocean evaporation datasets confirms this observed intensification of the atmospheric water cycle. The observed hydrological sensitivity over the past 20-yr period is higher by a factor of 5 than the average HS of 1.4% K−1 simulated in state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
We show that at the present-day warming of 0.85 °C about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence. … Likewise, today about 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming.
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: Eksplicit brug af et al. i: |last2=
(hjælp)We find that even when applied continuously and at scales as large as currently deemed possible, all methods are, individually, either relatively ineffective with limited (< 8 %) warming reductions, or they have potentially severe side effects and cannot be stopped without causing rapid climate change.
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: Eksplicit brug af et al. i: |author=
(hjælp)The AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming.
People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception, with nearly half (47%) – and the largest percentage in the world – attributing global warming to natural causes.
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: ref gentaget (link). Archived url.{{cite book}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite book}}
: |author=
har et generisk navn (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Ekstra tegnsætning (link) CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)Recently analyzed satellite-derived global precipitation datasets from 1987 to 2006 indicate an increase in global-mean precipitation of 1.1%–1.4% decade−1. This trend corresponds to a hydrological sensitivity (HS) of 7% K−1 of global warming, which is close to the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) rate expected from the increase in saturation water vapor pressure with temperature. Analysis of two available global ocean evaporation datasets confirms this observed intensification of the atmospheric water cycle. The observed hydrological sensitivity over the past 20-yr period is higher by a factor of 5 than the average HS of 1.4% K−1 simulated in state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
We show that at the present-day warming of 0.85 °C about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence. … Likewise, today about 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming.
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link) (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig){{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link) (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig)We find that even when applied continuously and at scales as large as currently deemed possible, all methods are, individually, either relatively ineffective with limited (< 8 %) warming reductions, or they have potentially severe side effects and cannot be stopped without causing rapid climate change.
The AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming.
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: Eksplicit brug af et al. i: |author=
(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp). Summary for Policymakers Summary for Policymakers.{{citation}}
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link). ArchivedFølgende betegnelser er blevet brugt til at indikere den vurderede sandsynlighed for et udfald eller resultat: så godt som sikkert 99-100 % sandsynlighed, meget sandsynligt 90-100 %, sandsynligt 66-100 %, omtrent lige sandsynligt som ikke 33-66 %, usandsynligt 0-33 %, meget usandsynligt 0-10 %, exceptionelt usandsynligt 0-1 %. Yderligere vilkår (ekstremt sandsynligt: 95-100 %, mere sandsynligt end ikke> 50-100%, mere usandsynligt end sandsynligt 0- <50 % og ekstremt usandsynligt 0-5 %) kan også bruges når det er hensigtsmæssigt.
{{cite book}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: BOT: original-url status ukendt (link), in IPCC AR4 WG1 2007 IPCC AR4 WG1 (2007). Solomon, S.; Qin, D.; Manning, M.; Chen, Z.; Marquis, M.; Averyt, K.B.; Tignor, M.; Miller, H.L. (red.). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-88009-1.{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp). Summary for Policymakers Summary for Policymakers.{{citation}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link). Archived{{citation}}
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link). Archived{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp) pdf Arkiveret 13. september 2018 hos Wayback Machine. The «Full Report», consisting of «The IPCC Second Assessment Synthesis of Scientific-Technical Information Relevant to Interpreting Article 2 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change» and the Summaries for Policymakers of the three Working Groups.«It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century» (page 15) and «In this Summary for Policymakers, the following terms have been used to indicate the assessed likelihood of an outcome or a result: (...) extremely likely: 95–100%» (page 2)., in IPCC AR5 WG1 2013.
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(hjælp)(p1) ... der er en stærk, troværdig mængde bevis, baseret på flere linjer med forskning som dokumenterer, at klimaet er i ændring, og at disse ændringer i stor grad er forårsaget af menneskelig aktivitet. Selv om der stadig er meget at forstå, er kernen i fænomenet og de videnskabelige spørgsmål og hypoteser blevet undersøgt grundigt, og har stået imod alvorlig videnskabelig debat og nøje vurdering af alternative forklaringer. * * * (p21-22) Nogle videnskabelige konklusioner eller teorier er blevet så grundigt undersøgt og testet, og støttes af så mange uafhængige observationer og resultater, at deres sandsynlighed for at blive fundet fejlagtige senere er forsvindende lille. Sådanne konklusioner og teorier bliver medregnet som etableret fakta. Dette er tilfældet for de konklusioner som at jordsystemet er under opvarmning og at meget af denne opvarmning hæjst sandsynligt er på grund af menneskelig aktivitet.
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)The average temperature of the Earth's surface increased by about 1.4 °F over the past 100 years, with about 1.0 °F of this warming occurring over just the past three decades.
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(hjælp) Also available as PDF{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp) Also available as PDF{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite web}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)We show that at the present-day warming of 0.85 °C about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence. … Likewise, today about 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming.
We find that even when applied continuously and at scales as large as currently deemed possible, all methods are, individually, either relatively ineffective with limited (< 8 %) warming reductions, or they have potentially severe side effects and cannot be stopped without causing rapid climate change.
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(hjælp){{cite book}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)“The bottom line is that things are not that complicated,” Dr. Knutti said. “You make the world a degree or two warmer, and there will be more hot days. There will be more moisture in the atmosphere, so that must come down somewhere.”
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(hjælp) Also available as PDF{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp) Also available as PDF{{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link) (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig){{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link) (Webside ikke længere tilgængelig){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp) Pr. 25. juni 2011 er det 195 parter (194 stater og en regional organisation for økonomisk integration (EU)) som er med i UNFCCC.{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp)«(…) dybe nedskæringer i udledninger af globale drivhusgasser er nødvendige i henhold til videnskaben, og er dokumenteret i den fjerde hovedrapport fra FN's klimapanel, med sigte på at reducere de globale udledninger af drivhusgasser, så stigningen af den globale gennemsnitstemperatur holdes under 2 °C af førindustrielle niveauer»Evidence for a warming world comes from multiple independent climate indicators, from high up in the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans. They include changes in surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures; glaciers; snow cover; sea ice; sea level and atmospheric water vapour. Scientists from all over the world have independently verified this evidence many times.
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: Cite journal kræver |journal=
(hjælp)Ocean warming dominates the global energy change inventory. Warming of the ocean accounts for about 93% of the increase in the Earth's energy inventory between 1971 and 2010 (high confidence), with warming of the upper (0 to 700 m) ocean accounting for about 64% of the total. Melting ice (including Arctic sea ice, ice sheets and glaciers) and warming of the continents and atmosphere account for the remainder of the change in energy.
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp), p.2Følgende betegnelser er blevet brugt til at indikere den vurderede sandsynlighed for et udfald eller resultat: så godt som sikkert 99-100 % sandsynlighed, meget sandsynligt 90-100 %, sandsynligt 66-100 %, omtrent lige sandsynligt som ikke 33-66 %, usandsynligt 0-33 %, meget usandsynligt 0-10 %, exceptionelt usandsynligt 0-1 %. Yderligere vilkår (ekstremt sandsynligt: 95-100 %, mere sandsynligt end ikke> 50-100%, mere usandsynligt end sandsynligt 0- <50 % og ekstremt usandsynligt 0-5 %) kan også bruges når det er hensigtsmæssigt.
(p1) ... der er en stærk, troværdig mængde bevis, baseret på flere linjer med forskning som dokumenterer, at klimaet er i ændring, og at disse ændringer i stor grad er forårsaget af menneskelig aktivitet. Selv om der stadig er meget at forstå, er kernen i fænomenet og de videnskabelige spørgsmål og hypoteser blevet undersøgt grundigt, og har stået imod alvorlig videnskabelig debat og nøje vurdering af alternative forklaringer. * * * (p21-22) Nogle videnskabelige konklusioner eller teorier er blevet så grundigt undersøgt og testet, og støttes af så mange uafhængige observationer og resultater, at deres sandsynlighed for at blive fundet fejlagtige senere er forsvindende lille. Sådanne konklusioner og teorier bliver medregnet som etableret fakta. Dette er tilfældet for de konklusioner som at jordsystemet er under opvarmning og at meget af denne opvarmning hæjst sandsynligt er på grund af menneskelig aktivitet.
{{cite book}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp){{cite book}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: BOT: original-url status ukendt (link), in IPCC AR4 WG1 2007 IPCC AR4 WG1 (2007). Solomon, S.; Qin, D.; Manning, M.; Chen, Z.; Marquis, M.; Averyt, K.B.; Tignor, M.; Miller, H.L. (red.). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-88009-1.{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal kræver |journal=
(hjælp)Recently analyzed satellite-derived global precipitation datasets from 1987 to 2006 indicate an increase in global-mean precipitation of 1.1%–1.4% decade−1. This trend corresponds to a hydrological sensitivity (HS) of 7% K−1 of global warming, which is close to the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) rate expected from the increase in saturation water vapor pressure with temperature. Analysis of two available global ocean evaporation datasets confirms this observed intensification of the atmospheric water cycle. The observed hydrological sensitivity over the past 20-yr period is higher by a factor of 5 than the average HS of 1.4% K−1 simulated in state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
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(hjælp){{cite journal}}
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(hjælp). Summary for Policymakers Summary for Policymakers.“The bottom line is that things are not that complicated,” Dr. Knutti said. “You make the world a degree or two warmer, and there will be more hot days. There will be more moisture in the atmosphere, so that must come down somewhere.”
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link). Archived{{citation}}
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: CS1-vedligeholdelse: url-status (link). Archived{{cite journal}}
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(hjælp) Pr. 25. juni 2011 er det 195 parter (194 stater og en regional organisation for økonomisk integration (EU)) som er med i UNFCCC.{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal kræver |journal=
(hjælp)«(…) dybe nedskæringer i udledninger af globale drivhusgasser er nødvendige i henhold til videnskaben, og er dokumenteret i den fjerde hovedrapport fra FN's klimapanel, med sigte på at reducere de globale udledninger af drivhusgasser, så stigningen af den globale gennemsnitstemperatur holdes under 2 °C af førindustrielle niveauer»The average temperature of the Earth's surface increased by about 1.4 °F over the past 100 years, with about 1.0 °F of this warming occurring over just the past three decades.
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: ref gentaget (link). Archived url.We find that even when applied continuously and at scales as large as currently deemed possible, all methods are, individually, either relatively ineffective with limited (< 8 %) warming reductions, or they have potentially severe side effects and cannot be stopped without causing rapid climate change.
{{cite journal}}
: Cite journal kræver |journal=
(hjælp) pdf Arkiveret 13. september 2018 hos Wayback Machine. The «Full Report», consisting of «The IPCC Second Assessment Synthesis of Scientific-Technical Information Relevant to Interpreting Article 2 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change» and the Summaries for Policymakers of the three Working Groups.{{cite book}}
: |author=
har et generisk navn (hjælp)CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato-format (link)«It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century» (page 15) and «In this Summary for Policymakers, the following terms have been used to indicate the assessed likelihood of an outcome or a result: (...) extremely likely: 95–100%» (page 2)., in IPCC AR5 WG1 2013.
{{cite web}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link){{cite journal}}
: Eksplicit brug af et al. i: |author=
(hjælp)The AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming.
{{cite web}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: BOT: original-url status ukendt (link)People nearly everywhere, including majorities in developed Asia and Latin America, are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities rather than natural causes. The U.S. is the exception, with nearly half (47%) – and the largest percentage in the world – attributing global warming to natural causes.
The AAPG stands alone among scientific societies in its denial of human-induced effects on global warming.
{{cite journal}}
: CS1-vedligeholdelse: Dato-format (link)