Ryan D. Francisco, Nelson C. Rodelas, John Edison T. Ubaldo: The Perception of Filipinos on the Advent of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Games. In: International Journal of Computing Sciences Research. Band6, 2022, S.1007, doi:10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.394, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Vgl. auch Prabhjote Gill: Axie Infinity players in the Philippines may have to start paying tax on trading ‘pets’. In: Businessinsider India. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch): „Axie Infinity has reportedly emerged as a popular way to pass the time for the citizens of the Philippines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Its ‘play to earn’ model allowed people to pay the bills and put food on the table after losing their jobs as the economy came to a standstill (...)“ Siehe auch die Angaben zum Kryptoboom auf den Philippinen in Joanna England: Cryptocurrency to become mainstream in the Philippines. In: FinTech. 23. März 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch).
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.397, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Prabhjote Gill: Axie Infinity players in the Philippines may have to start paying tax on trading ‘pets’. In: Businessinsider India. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch).
Nir Kshetri: Policy, Ethical, Social, and Environmental Considerations of Web3 and the Metaverse. In: IT Professional. Band24, Nr.3, 2022, S.6, doi:10.1109/MITP.2022.3178509. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.391, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Christian Nunley: People in the Philippines are earning cryptocurrency during the pandemic by playing a video game. In: CNBC. 27. Juni 2021, abgerufen am 3. April 2023 (englisch).
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 26. September 2022, S.719, doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „(...) AI involves players purchasing NFT characters called “Axies” and battling them against each other to earn currency (...)“
Andreas Belocerkov: Blockchain-Gaming – Mehr als nur der Traum vom Spielen um Geld. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management. 10. Februar 2023, doi:10.1365/s35764-023-00451-9.
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.396, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Vgl. die Angaben bei Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „(...) the benefits of PTE games is that they may allow players to build an online community and socialise without face-to-face interaction (...) This was found to be particularly important amidst the global pandemic, with engagement in PTE games identified as a coping strategy during extended lockdowns (...)“
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 26. September 2022, S.720, doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 26. September 2022, S.721f., doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Nir Kshetri: Policy, Ethical, Social, and Environmental Considerations of Web3 and the Metaverse. In: IT Professional. Band24, Nr.3, 2022, S.6, doi:10.1109/MITP.2022.3178509. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.391, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Christian Nunley: People in the Philippines are earning cryptocurrency during the pandemic by playing a video game. In: CNBC. 27. Juni 2021, abgerufen am 3. April 2023 (englisch).
Nir Kshetri: Policy, Ethical, Social, and Environmental Considerations of Web3 and the Metaverse. In: IT Professional. Band24, Nr.3, 2022, S.6, doi:10.1109/MITP.2022.3178509: „In July 2021, the average Axie player was reported to earn 4500 SLP a month (...) and the SLP had the alltime high price of SLP was $0.399727 in that month (...) This translated to a monthly income of $1799, which was significantly higher than an average Filipino worker.“
Siehe etwa Nir Kshetri: Policy, Ethical, Social, and Environmental Considerations of Web3 and the Metaverse. In: IT Professional. Band24, Nr.3, 2022, S.6, doi:10.1109/MITP.2022.3178509: „This practice in the digital world is akin to sharecropping since the NFT owners take a large share of players’ earnings.“
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „Similar to the rental system evident in Cryptokitties, scholarship programs involve wealthy players known as ‘managers’ lending their Axies to ‘scholars’. This allows gamers, particularly those of a poorer demographic, the opportunity to play for free. In return, the managers obtain a portion of the scholar’s gaming income by devoting their capital (their NFT or Axie) to obtain a return on the labour of others. Such schemes theoretically offer opportunities for those who may not have the funds to pay for the entry cost into the game. However, a potential risk of these schemes is that they might lead to a form of exploitation in which people from less-advantaged countries provide a cheap form of labour and many hours of effort to benefit those with the wealth to afford the NFTs. (...) Similar concerns have been raised about the so-called practice of ‘gold farming’ in which young people have been observed playing games in factory like conditions to earn in-game rewards which are sold for profit by the management of the operation (...) Respondents that resided in third-world countries or had poor gaming knowledge were identified as most at risk of unfair scholarship splits“ Vgl. Jan Büchel: Mit Play-to-Earn-Games spielend Geld verdienen: Potenziale für Deutschland. In: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW). Nr.11, 2022, S.2f. (econstor.eu).
Ryan D. Francisco, Nelson C. Rodelas, John Edison T. Ubaldo: The Perception of Filipinos on the Advent of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Games. In: International Journal of Computing Sciences Research. Band6, 2022, S.1006 & 1013f., doi:10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89. Vgl. Sina Osivand: The Risk and Return of Game(NFT). In: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES). Band10, Nr.1, 2022, S.39.
Ryan D. Francisco, Nelson C. Rodelas, John Edison T. Ubaldo: The Perception of Filipinos on the Advent of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Games. In: International Journal of Computing Sciences Research. Band6, 2022, S.1007, doi:10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.394, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Vgl. auch Prabhjote Gill: Axie Infinity players in the Philippines may have to start paying tax on trading ‘pets’. In: Businessinsider India. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch): „Axie Infinity has reportedly emerged as a popular way to pass the time for the citizens of the Philippines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Its ‘play to earn’ model allowed people to pay the bills and put food on the table after losing their jobs as the economy came to a standstill (...)“ Siehe auch die Angaben zum Kryptoboom auf den Philippinen in Joanna England: Cryptocurrency to become mainstream in the Philippines. In: FinTech. 23. März 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch).
Ryan D. Francisco, Nelson C. Rodelas, John Edison T. Ubaldo: The Perception of Filipinos on the Advent of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Games. In: International Journal of Computing Sciences Research. Band6, 2022, S.1014, doi:10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89. Vgl. Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „Individuals residing in third-world countries appear to benefit most from the PTE structure, with the potential to attract incomes far greater than the national average wage“
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.397, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Prabhjote Gill: Axie Infinity players in the Philippines may have to start paying tax on trading ‘pets’. In: Businessinsider India. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch).
Roger Charles Culannay u. a.: Analysis on the Factors that Influence the Investment on Online Crypto Games. In: International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education. Band3, Nr.1, 2022, S.145. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.396, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Kristine Servando und Ian Saysonk: The jobless turn to crypto video game for financial relief. In: Bloomberg. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2023 (englisch): „But the Axie frenzy has also bred criticism that the platform is propped up by new money drawn to a get-rich-quick premise. Vanessa Cao, founder of venture-capital firm BTX Capital, said the Axie model is “fundamentally unhealthy and unsustainable.” “Players need to spend hundreds of dollars upfront just to play,” she said. “It’s a wrongful concept. You can’t ask people to pay before even having any idea what the game is about.”“
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „The first important issue is whether requiring players to buy NFTs contributes to concerns regarding the increasing monetization of gaming. As these authors point out, when players can pay money to improve their in-game performance, skilled play may no longer be the sole determinant of player success. It also means that income and affordability could potentially advantage wealthier players and make the game less accessible to lower income groups.“
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.400, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1.
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 2022, S.722f., doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 2022, S.722f., doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.398, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1.
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 2022, S.722, doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066.
Siehe Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.397, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1.
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.392, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Vgl. Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y (s.v. „Theme 4 — Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes“).
Paul Delfabbro, Amelia Delic, Daniel L. King: Understanding the mechanics and consumer risks associated with play-to-earn (P2E) gaming. In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Band11, 2022, S.723, doi:10.1556/2006.2022.00066: „A potential psychological risk associated with highly monetized games is that the motivation for gaming may switch from intrinsic enjoyment or challenge, to a predominant focus on the monetary outcome of the activity (...) The effects of high extrinsic motivation within a video-gaming context are well documented, and associated with greater problem gaming (...) poorer self-control and maladaptive gaming behaviors (...). Emerging research indicates these effects may be intensified within a P2E setting (...) Grinding may therefore increase the frequency and duration of play and create greater risk of harm associated with excessive gaming.“ Vgl. Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „Money and the financial component of AI was a frequent topic of discussion. The first subtheme “Incentive” indicated gaming behaviour was highly reward-driven and extrinsically motivated. Therefore, whilst players did find some enjoyment from AI, this was secondary to the financial incentive. (...) Despite the current popularity of AI (...) players frequently reported a dislike for gameplay and that they were largely playing for extrinsic rewards.“
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „These kinds of purchases have been associated with sunk cost effects, where players feel obliged to continue gameplay due to prior investment of time or money“
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „The second issue (harm) relates to whether these games and strongly monetized structures may be more appealing to higher risk gamblers, who are already experiencing issues relating to internet gaming disorder“
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.398, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1.
Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.400, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1.
Roger Charles Culannay u. a.: Analysis on the Factors that Influence the Investment on Online Crypto Games. In: International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education. Band3, Nr.1, 2022, S.150. Vgl. Jan Büchel: Mit Play-to-Earn-Games spielend Geld verdienen: Potenziale für Deutschland. In: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW). Nr.11, 2022, S.2f. (econstor.eu).
Amelia J. Delic und Paul H. Delfabbro: Profiling the Potential Risks and Benefits of Emerging “Play to Earn” Games: a Qualitative Analysis of Players’ Experiences with Axie Infinity. In: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2022, doi:10.1007/s11469-022-00894-y: „Similar to the rental system evident in Cryptokitties, scholarship programs involve wealthy players known as ‘managers’ lending their Axies to ‘scholars’. This allows gamers, particularly those of a poorer demographic, the opportunity to play for free. In return, the managers obtain a portion of the scholar’s gaming income by devoting their capital (their NFT or Axie) to obtain a return on the labour of others. Such schemes theoretically offer opportunities for those who may not have the funds to pay for the entry cost into the game. However, a potential risk of these schemes is that they might lead to a form of exploitation in which people from less-advantaged countries provide a cheap form of labour and many hours of effort to benefit those with the wealth to afford the NFTs. (...) Similar concerns have been raised about the so-called practice of ‘gold farming’ in which young people have been observed playing games in factory like conditions to earn in-game rewards which are sold for profit by the management of the operation (...) Respondents that resided in third-world countries or had poor gaming knowledge were identified as most at risk of unfair scholarship splits“ Vgl. Jan Büchel: Mit Play-to-Earn-Games spielend Geld verdienen: Potenziale für Deutschland. In: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW). Nr.11, 2022, S.2f. (econstor.eu).
Ryan D. Francisco, Nelson C. Rodelas, John Edison T. Ubaldo: The Perception of Filipinos on the Advent of Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Games. In: International Journal of Computing Sciences Research. Band6, 2022, S.1007, doi:10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.394, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Vgl. auch Prabhjote Gill: Axie Infinity players in the Philippines may have to start paying tax on trading ‘pets’. In: Businessinsider India. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch): „Axie Infinity has reportedly emerged as a popular way to pass the time for the citizens of the Philippines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Its ‘play to earn’ model allowed people to pay the bills and put food on the table after losing their jobs as the economy came to a standstill (...)“ Siehe auch die Angaben zum Kryptoboom auf den Philippinen in Joanna England: Cryptocurrency to become mainstream in the Philippines. In: FinTech. 23. März 2021, abgerufen am 4. April 2023 (englisch).
Roger Charles Culannay u. a.: Analysis on the Factors that Influence the Investment on Online Crypto Games. In: International Journal of Arts, Sciences and Education. Band3, Nr.1, 2022, S.145. Vgl. Shealtielle Blaise Dimapilis De Jesus u. a.: Play-to-Earn: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Challenges Faced By Axie Infinity Online Gamers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: International Journal of Psychology and Counseling. Band12, Nr.1, 2022, S.396, doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.18856454.v1. Siehe auch Kristine Servando und Ian Saysonk: The jobless turn to crypto video game for financial relief. In: Bloomberg. 25. August 2021, abgerufen am 27. Februar 2023 (englisch): „But the Axie frenzy has also bred criticism that the platform is propped up by new money drawn to a get-rich-quick premise. Vanessa Cao, founder of venture-capital firm BTX Capital, said the Axie model is “fundamentally unhealthy and unsustainable.” “Players need to spend hundreds of dollars upfront just to play,” she said. “It’s a wrongful concept. You can’t ask people to pay before even having any idea what the game is about.”“