Dystopie auf duden.de, abgerufen am 4. Januar 2011
John Stuart Mill: Public and parliamentary speeches – Part I – November 1850 – November 1868. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 1988, ISBN 0-415-03791-3 (libertyfund.org).
Kenneth Roemer: Reviewed Work: Scraps of the Untainted Sky: Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia by Tom Moylan. In: Utopian Studies. Jg. 12, Nr.2, 2001, ISSN1045-991X, S.347–350.
Samuel Moyn: Book Reviews. Dystopia: A Natural History. By Gregory Claeys. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. xii+556. In: The Journal of Modern History. Jg. 90, Nr.4, 2018, ISSN0022-2801, S.903–904.
Antonello de Vergata: Review on: Dystopia: A Natural History. By Claeys, Gregory. Oxford University Press. 2017. xi + 556 pp. In: History: The Journal of the Historical Association. 2019, ISSN0018-2648, S.334–336.