Commercial Space Transportation License No LLS 14-087 (Rev 2). FAA, 28. Februar 2014, zuletzt geändert am 4. Dezember 2017. Unten auf Seite 2 finden sich in chronologischer Reihenfolge die Bezeichnungen Falcon 9 Version 1.1, Falcon 9 Version 1.2 und Falcon 9.
SpaceX Transporter-7 launches 51 payloads, booster return to LZ. In: 14. April 2023, abgerufen am 18. Oktober 2023: „The first RROCI satellite launched on Transporter-6 on Jan. 3, 2023, but it was never deployed from the launch vehicle, so RROCI is not on orbit. It met its demise when the launch vehicle returned to earth.“
F9 – Block 5, Improved Legs • r/SpaceXLounge. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „Final Falcon 9 has a lot of minor refinements that collectively are important, but uprated thrust and improved legs are the most significant.“
Anomaly Update. SpaceX, 2. Januar 2017, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 16. Februar 2017; abgerufen am 6. Januar 2017 (englisch).
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „“The most important part of Block 5 will be operating the engines at their full thrust capability, which is about 7 or 8 percent – almost 10 percent – more than what they currently run at,” Musk said.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „The upgraded rocket will have more control authority on descent, Musk added. „It will actually improve the payload to orbit by being able to fly at a higher angle of attack, and use the aerodynamic elements to effectively glide,“ Musk said. „It actually does have a lift-over-drag (ratio) of roughly one if flown at the right angle of attack, but you need control authority, particularly pitch control authority.““
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „The new grid fins will replace the first stage’s current aluminum winglets, four of which help stabilize and steer the rocket during descent. SpaceX added the grid fins to the first stage after initial experiments with ocean landings, incorporating the deployable fins to improve steering.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „Engineers want to add a thermal barrier coating to replace the paint currently used on the first stage, which can melt and bubble from the extreme heating of re-entry. The heat shield at the base of the rocket protects the engines and the plumbing of the booster’s propulsion system. It currently has to be replaced between each launch of the same rocket. „I think we’ve got the base heat shield thing addressed,“ Musk said.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 17. April 2017: „The Block 5 upgrade – … – will include around 100 changes to the vehicle, according to Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s president and chief operating officer.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „The so-called Block 5 configuration of the Falcon 9 will fly at least seven times with a „frozen“ design before NASA puts astronauts on the rocket, according to space agency officials.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „“The design intent is that the rocket can be reflown with zero hardware changes,” Musk said. “In other words, the only thing you change is you reload the propellant.” Deutsch: „Die Designidee ist, das die Rakete ohne Austausch von Teilen wieder fliegen kann.“ sagte Musk. „Mit anderen Worten, das einzige, was man erneuern muss, ist der Treibstoff.““
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „SpaceX’s goal is to launch each Falcon 9 first stage 10 times with only inspections. Deutsch: SpaceX Ziel ist, jede Falcon-9-Erststufe zehn Mal nur mit Inspektionen zu starten.“
Stephen Clark: Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX – Spaceflight Now. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017: „Then, with moderate refurbishment that doesn’t have a significant effect on the cost, it can be reflown at least 100 times,” Musk said. Deutsch: Dann, nach einer mittleren Überholung, die keinen wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Kosten hat, kann sie mindestens 100-mal wieder fliegen“, sagte Musk“
Launchlog. Spaceflight Now, 17. März 2017, abgerufen am 18. März 2017 (englisch).
Jeff Foust: Musk offers more details about Mars mission architecture – In: 23. Oktober 2016 ( [abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017]): „Musk did, though, briefly address an upcoming, and “final,” version of the rocket, which he called Block 5, that is designed for frequent reusability. „Falcon 9 Block 5 – the final version in the series – is the one that has the most performance and is designed for easy reuse, so it just makes sense to focus on that long term and retire the earlier versions,“ he wrote. That version includes many „minor refinements“ but also increased thrust and improved landing legs, he said. The first of the Block 5 Falcon 9 vehicles will begin production in three months, with an initial flight in six to eight months. With its entry into service, he said he doesn’t expect recovered first stages from the older Block 3 and Block 4 versions of the rocket to be reused more than a few times. In a speech earlier this month, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell said she believed the updated version of the Falcon 9 could be reused up to 10 times. Musk, though, was more optimistic. „I think the F9 boosters could be used almost indefinitely, so long as there is scheduled maintenance and careful inspections,“ he said. – See more at:“
Elon Musk on Twitter. In: Twitter. ( [abgerufen am 10. März 2017]): „Yes. Block 5 is the final upgrade of the Falcon architecture. Significantly improves performance & ease of reusability. Flies end of year.“
Elon Musk on Twitter. In: Twitter. ( [abgerufen am 14. Mai 2017]): „… Next goal is reflight within 24 hours. Deutsche Übersetzung: … Nächstes Ziel ist wieder fliegen innerhalb 24 Stunden.“
Anomaly Update. SpaceX, 2. Januar 2017, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 16. Februar 2017; abgerufen am 6. Januar 2017 (englisch).