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Joyce Kimutai, Clair Barnes, Mariam Zachariah, Ben Clarke, Izidine Pinto, Piotr Wolski, Simphiwe Stewart, Maja Vahlberg, Abhinav Banthiya, Lisa Thalheimer and Friederike E. L Otto: Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe impacts from Horn of Africa flooding exacerbated by climate change and Indian Ocean Dipole. 7. Dezember 2023, doi:10.25561/108015.
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Izidine Pinto, Romaric C. Odoulami, Kamoru Abiodun Lawal, Eniola Olaniyan, Wasiu Adeniyi Ibrahim, Kiswendsida Guigma, Maja Vahlberg, Dorothy Heinrich, Carolina Pereira Marghidan, Martha Vogel, Julie Arrighi, Clair Barnes and Friederike E. L. Otto, Sjoukje Philip, Malcolm Mistry, Sayanti Sengupta, Sarah Kew, Joyce Kimutai: Dangerous humid heat in southern West Africa about 4°C hotter due to climate change. 21. März 2024, doi:10.25561/110082 (englisch).
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Mariam Zachariah, Vassiliki Kotroni, Lagouvardos Kostas, Clair Barnes, Joyce Kimutai, Sarah Kew, Izidine Pinto, Wenchang Yang, Maja Vahlberg, Roop Singh, Lisa Thalheimer, Carolina M. Pereira and Friederike Otto: Interplay of climate change-exacerbated rainfall, exposure and vulnerability led to widespread impacts in the Mediterranean region. 19. September 2023 ( [PDF; 2,7MB]).