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Staffan Qvist, Paweł Gładysz, Łukasz Bartela, Anna Sowiżdżał: Retrofit Decarbonization of Coal Power Plants—A Case Study for Poland. In: Energies. Band14, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN1996-1073, S.120, doi:10.3390/en14010120 (mdpi.com [abgerufen am 12. Mai 2023]).
Jean-Claude Gauthier, Gerd Brinkmann, Bernie Copsey, Michel Lecomte: ANTARES: The HTR/VHTR project at Framatome ANP. (PDF; 178 kB) In: 2nd International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology, Beijing, China, September 22-24, 2004. Abgerufen am 19. November 2011.
Staffan Qvist, Paweł Gładysz, Łukasz Bartela, Anna Sowiżdżał: Retrofit Decarbonization of Coal Power Plants—A Case Study for Poland. In: Energies. Band14, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN1996-1073, S.120, doi:10.3390/en14010120 (mdpi.com [abgerufen am 12. Mai 2023]).
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Armin Tenner, Development of Nuclear Energy (2007) Archivlink (Memento vom 19. September 2010 im Internet Archive) “The proliferation resistance of the pebble-bed-reactor is very bad. It is easy to put in a pebble made out of depleted uranium and after some time harvest weapon-grade plutonium at the bottom of the reactor. Or even better: Put in a pebble made out of thorium, as I will explain later. In view of the fact that these reactors may be produced in great number and installed at various remote places in the world, the danger of military application, clandestine or not, is serious.” “The production of weapon-grade material will be facilitated by the development of breeder reactors and by the separation made between civil and military applications, … The breeder reactors will produce weapon-grade isotopes, even if these are not intended for military use.”
Address by the Minister of Public Enterprises, Barbara Hogan, to the National Assembly, on the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor, 16. September 2010 Archivlink (Memento vom 12. Mai 2013 im Internet Archive)
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Staffan Qvist, Paweł Gładysz, Łukasz Bartela, Anna Sowiżdżał: Retrofit Decarbonization of Coal Power Plants—A Case Study for Poland. In: Energies. Band14, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN1996-1073, S.120, doi:10.3390/en14010120 (mdpi.com [abgerufen am 12. Mai 2023]).