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Kenichi Fujii, Horst Bettin, Peter Becker, Enrico Massa, Olaf Rienitz, Axel Pramann, Arnold Nicolaus, Naoki Kuramoto, Ingo Busch, Michael Borys: Realization of the kilogram by the XRCD method. In: Metrologia. Band53, Nr.5, 1. Oktober 2016, ISSN0026-1394, S.A19–A45, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/53/5/A19 (iop.org [abgerufen am 10. Mai 2024]).
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Kenichi Fujii, Horst Bettin, Peter Becker, Enrico Massa, Olaf Rienitz, Axel Pramann, Arnold Nicolaus, Naoki Kuramoto, Ingo Busch, Michael Borys: Realization of the kilogram by the XRCD method. In: Metrologia. Band53, Nr.5, 1. Oktober 2016, ISSN0026-1394, S.A19–A45, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/53/5/A19 (iop.org [abgerufen am 10. Mai 2024]).