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J. Michael Spector, Gwendolyn M. Morel: Foundations of Educational Technology: Integrative Approaches and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 3. Auflage. Routledge, New York 2022, ISBN 978-1-00-326840-6, doi:10.4324/9781003268406 (taylorfrancis.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Andrew Dillon, Ralph Gabbard: Hypermedia as an Educational Technology: A Review of the Quantitative Research Literature on Learner Comprehension, Control, and Style. In: Review of Educational Research. Band68, Nr.3, September 1998, ISSN0034-6543, S.322–349, doi:10.3102/00346543068003322 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Patrick Suppes, Max Jerman, Guy Groen: Arithmetic drills and review on a computer-based teletype. In: The Arithmetic Teacher. Band13, Nr.4, April 1966, ISSN0004-136X, S.303–309, doi:10.5951/AT.13.4.0303 (nctm.org [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Sumitra Pokhrel, Roshan Chhetri: A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning. In: Higher Education for the Future. Band8, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN2347-6311, S.133–141, doi:10.1177/2347631120983481 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Patrick Suppes, Max Jerman, Guy Groen: Arithmetic drills and review on a computer-based teletype. In: The Arithmetic Teacher. Band13, Nr.4, April 1966, ISSN0004-136X, S.303–309, doi:10.5951/AT.13.4.0303 (nctm.org [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Andrew Dillon, Ralph Gabbard: Hypermedia as an Educational Technology: A Review of the Quantitative Research Literature on Learner Comprehension, Control, and Style. In: Review of Educational Research. Band68, Nr.3, September 1998, ISSN0034-6543, S.322–349, doi:10.3102/00346543068003322 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Sumitra Pokhrel, Roshan Chhetri: A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning. In: Higher Education for the Future. Band8, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN2347-6311, S.133–141, doi:10.1177/2347631120983481 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
J. Michael Spector, Gwendolyn M. Morel: Foundations of Educational Technology: Integrative Approaches and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 3. Auflage. Routledge, New York 2022, ISBN 978-1-00-326840-6, doi:10.4324/9781003268406 (taylorfrancis.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Educational technology: a definition with commentary. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New York, NY 2008, ISBN 978-0-8058-5860-0 (worldcat.org [abgerufen am 30. Mai 2024]).
Andrew Dillon, Ralph Gabbard: Hypermedia as an Educational Technology: A Review of the Quantitative Research Literature on Learner Comprehension, Control, and Style. In: Review of Educational Research. Band68, Nr.3, September 1998, ISSN0034-6543, S.322–349, doi:10.3102/00346543068003322 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Patrick Suppes, Max Jerman, Guy Groen: Arithmetic drills and review on a computer-based teletype. In: The Arithmetic Teacher. Band13, Nr.4, April 1966, ISSN0004-136X, S.303–309, doi:10.5951/AT.13.4.0303 (nctm.org [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).
Sumitra Pokhrel, Roshan Chhetri: A Literature Review on Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Teaching and Learning. In: Higher Education for the Future. Band8, Nr.1, Januar 2021, ISSN2347-6311, S.133–141, doi:10.1177/2347631120983481 (sagepub.com [abgerufen am 31. Mai 2024]).