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Four Nerve Six Pathway Theory of Female Orgasm. At least six pathway-orgasmic reflex arch systems work during the development of female orgasms. Pudental, Pelvic, Hypogastric, intercostal and Vagus nerves constitute the main nerve network system. Also there are at least two Oxytocin pathway systems, whereas Oxytocin works as a neurotransmitter and as a hormone, separately. During expanded orgasms and ESR orgasms, more than one 'orgasm reflex arch pathway' is activated and trigger an expanded orgasm, while many others contribute to the formation of an EO or ESR orgasms. (Four Nerve Six Pathway Theory of Female Orgasm. Auf:
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James G. Pfaus, Gonzalo R. Quintana, Conall Mac Cionnaith, Mayte Parada: The whole versus the sum of some of the parts: toward resolving the apparent controversy of clitoral versus vaginal orgasms. In: Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. Band6, Nr.1, Januar 2016, ISSN2000-9011, S.32578, doi:10.3402/snp.v6.32578, PMID 27791968, PMC 5084726 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 2. September 2024]).