Brief von Miller an den Herausgeber der New York Times vom 13. Juni 2006, Zitat: “The integrity of our elections is certainly not a partisan concern or a left-right issue, but a civic matter of immeasurable importance. If we aren't free to vote our representatives and leaders in and out of office, we really aren't free at all, whether we declare ourselves as Democrats, Republicans or independents......we're counting on the press to fulfill its constitutional duty to the people and make this all-important subject a top story.”
Till Zimmermann: Die Wahlfälschung (§§ 107a f. StGB) im Gefüge des strafrechtlichen Schutzes der Volkssouveränität. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik. (ZIS), Heft 12, 2011, S. 982 ( PDF).