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Samaneh Nakhaee, Alireza Kooshki, Ali Hormozi, Aref Akbari, Omid Mehrpour, Khadijeh Farrokhfall: Cinnamon and cognitive function: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies. In: Nutritional Neuroscience. Band0, Nr.0, 18. Januar 2023, ISSN1028-415X, S.1–15, doi:10.1080/1028415X.2023.2166436, PMID 36652384.
Y. Iwaoka, R. Hashimoto, H. Koizumi, J. Yu, T. Okabe: Selective stimulation by cinnamaldehyde of progesterone secretion in human adrenal cells. In: Life sciences. Band 86, Nummer 23–24, 2010, S. 894–898, ISSN1879-0631, doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2010.04.009. PMID 20423713.