Übereinkommen über Streumunition (German Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Übereinkommen über Streumunition" in German language version.

Global rank German rank
123rd place
6th place
1st place
1st place
2,421st place
3,703rd place
1,137th place
74th place
66th place
4th place
201st place
11th place
low place
low place
7th place
19th place
low place
low place
519th place
1,760th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
33rd place
2nd place
267th place
15th place
266th place
487th place
68th place
29th place
766th place
46th place
687th place
41st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,092nd place
164th place
279th place
42nd place



  • Michael Wenger: Entsorgung von Kanisterund Streumunition. Entsorgung von Munition: Landsysteme. Hrsg.: Armasuisse (= Armafolio. Nr. 1/2017). Ast & Fischer, Bern Juni 2017, S. 6 (Schweizer Hochdeutsch, admin.ch [PDF; 3,0 MB; abgerufen am 7. Juli 2023]).





  • Antwort der Bundesregierung, BT-Drs. 20/6681 S. 6.
  • Drucksache 20/6294 des Deutschen Bundestages. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Sevim Dağdelen, Andrej Hunko, Ina Latendorf, Zaklin Nastic und der Fraktion DIE LINKE.– Drucksache 20/6294 – Das „Oslo-Übereinkommen“ über Streumunition und die Bundesregierung









  • 9. Japan on cluster bomb ban. Japan, over 100 other countries sign cluster bomb ban in Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 2008/12/03. In: nautilus.org. Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, 4. Dezember 2008, abgerufen am 7. Juli 2023 (amerikanisches Englisch, „NAPSNet Daily Report“ vom 4. Dezember 2008; Nachrichten-Feed vom Nautilus Institute).




  • Ending the use of cluster bombs. In: japantimes.co.jp. The Japan Times, 3. Dezember 2008, archiviert vom Original am 5. Dezember 2021; abgerufen am 7. Juli 2023 (englisch).






  • Franz Pütz – Redakteur: Österreich widersetzt sich Verwässerung des Verbots von Streumunition. Europa International. Hrsg.: Bundeskanzleramt, Bundespressedienst Österreich (= Informationen aus Österreich. Nr. 22/11). Wien 21. November 2011, S. 173 (österreichisches Deutsch, upjs.sk [PDF; 2,1 MB] Ursprungsquelle Tiroler Tageszeitung Online vom 17. November 2011).




  • Geneva Protocol I and Customary International Law: Do Cluster Munitions Cause Unnecessary Suffering and Superfluous Injury, as Prohibited by the Law of Armed Conflict? In: Thomas J. Herthel: On the Chopping Block: Cluster Munitions and the Law of War. In: The Air Force Law Review. 51/2001. Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, S. 229–270 (speziell S. 255ff.), ISSN 0094-8381
  • Cluster Bombs: A Weapon Causing Unnecessary and Superfluous Suffering? In: Thomas Michael McDonnell: Cluster Bombs Over Kosovo: A Violation of International Law? In: Arizona Law Review. 44/2002. James E. Rogers College of Law at The University of Arizona, S. 31–129 (speziell S. 66ff.), ISSN 0004-153X
  • Are Cluster Munitions Indiscriminate Because They are Incapable of Being Accurately Deployed or Because Their Bomblets Do Not Always Detonate as Designed, and Thus Create Minefields Incapable of Distinguishing Between Combatants and Noncombatants? In: Thomas J. Herthel: On the Chopping Block: Cluster Munitions and the Law of War. In: The Air Force Law Review. 51/2001. Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, S. 229–270(speziell S. 260ff.), ISSN 0094-8381
  • An Indiscriminate Weapon? In: Thomas Michael McDonnell: Cluster Bombs Over Kosovo: A Violation of International Law? In: Arizona Law Review. 44/2002. James E. Rogers College of Law at The University of Arizona, S. 31–129 (speziell S. 79ff.), ISSN 0004-153X
  • A Weapon Unduly Endangering the Environment and the Health of the Population? In: Thomas Michael McDonnell: Cluster Bombs Over Kosovo: A Violation of International Law? In: Arizona Law Review. 44/2002. James E. Rogers College of Law at The University of Arizona, S. 31–129 (speziell S. 87ff.), ISSN 0004-153X
  • Jessica Corsi: Towards Peace Through Legal Innovation: The Process and the Promise of the 2008 Cluster Munitions Convention. In: Harvard Human Rights Journal. 22(1)/2009. Harvard Law School, S. 145–158, ISSN 1057-5057
  • United States Opposes Ban on Cluster Munitions, Supports Alternative CCW Negotiations. In: American Journal of International Law. 102(4)/2008. American Society of International Law, S. 889, ISSN 0002-9300.
  • 1. Treaty Law: Landmines and Cluster Munitions Are the Use of Cluster Munitions in Violation of Existing International Treaties or Agreements? In: Thomas J. Herthel: On the Chopping Block: Cluster Munitions and the Law of War. In: The Air Force Law Review. 51/2001. Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force, S. 229–270 (speziell S. 249ff.), ISSN 0094-8381
