AKB劇場6月2日から再開の公式発表 [Official announcement to reopen AKB48 Theater from June 2]. Daily Sports Online (in Japanese). Daily Sports. May 31, 2014. Retrieved May 31, 2014.
"AKB総選挙 大雨...45分遅れで開演". DAILY SPORTS ONLINE. デイリースポーツ. June 7, 2014. Retrieved June 8, 2014.
6月14日(土)全国握手会イベント(横浜スタジアム) 6月15日(日)・6月29日(日)パシフィコ横浜 大写真会 開催延期のお詫びとお知らせ [Apology and announcement of postponement of handshake event on Saturday, June 14, and photo shooting events on Sunday at Yokohama Stadium, June 15, and Sunday, June 29 at Pacifico Yokohama] (in Japanese). KING RECORDS. Archived from the original on June 6, 2014. Retrieved November 5, 2015.
たかみな、ぱるる、Mステで目潤ませ熱唱 [Takamina, Paruru, glistening with emotion when they sang at M-Station]. nikkansports.com (in Japanese). NIKKAN SPORTS NEWSPAPERS. May 30, 2014. Retrieved May 31, 2014.
"名古屋・幕張の握手会を延期 AKB48劇場は31日まで休館" [Postpone shake-hand events in Nagoya/Makuhari – AKB48 Theater will be closed until 31st]. nikkei.com (in Japanese). Nikkei Inc. May 26, 2014. Retrieved May 26, 2014.
各劇場で金属探知機を導入、客席の最前列は使用禁止に [Metal detectors introduced at each theater, no front-row seats available]. Sponichi Annex (in Japanese). SPORTS NIPPON NEWSPAPERS. May 27, 2014. Retrieved May 27, 2014.
6月14日(土)全国握手会イベント(横浜スタジアム) 6月15日(日)・6月29日(日)パシフィコ横浜 大写真会 開催延期のお詫びとお知らせ [Apology and announcement of postponement of handshake event on Saturday, June 14, and photo shooting events on Sunday at Yokohama Stadium, June 15, and Sunday, June 29 at Pacifico Yokohama] (in Japanese). KING RECORDS. Archived from the original on June 6, 2014. Retrieved November 5, 2015.