Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage" in English language version.
click "Nord Stream 2 – Environmental Impact Assessment, Denmark. South-Eastern Route. April 2019"
Vår undervattenskamera dokumenterar långa revor i havsbotten innan den når det betongarmerade stålröret som slitits isär i det misstänkta sabotaget. Minst femtio meter av gasledningen tycks saknas efter explosionen ...[Our underwater camera documents long tears in the seabed before it reaches the concrete-reinforced steel pipe torn apart in the suspected sabotage. At least fifty meters of the gas line appears to be missing after the explosion ...]
Ende September kam es zu Explosionen unter Wasser an der Ostseepipeline. Dabei wurden beide Stränge der Pipeline Nord Stream 1 und ein Strang von Nord Stream 2 leck geschlagen.
At a White House press conference with the new German leader, Biden [...] said Russian forces crossing into Ukraine would trigger a shutdown. 'If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the ... border of Ukraine again, then there will be ... no longer a Nord Stream 2. We, we will bring an end to it,' Biden said. Asked how, given the project is in German control, Biden said: 'I promise you, we'll be able to do it.'
A gas leakage has been observed in pos. 54° 52.60'N – 015° 24.60'E.
Gas leakages have been observed in pos. 55° 33,40'N – 015° 47,30'E, pos. 55° 32,10'N – 015° 41,90'E and pos. 55° 32,450'N 015° 46,470'E.
Am Ende wurde Nord Stream 2 schon zwei Tage vor dem eigentlichen Einmarsch auf Eis gelegt [...]. Und zwar ganz ohne Sprengsätze. Es war also genau das passiert, was Biden und Scholz angekündigt hatten.[In the end Nord Stream 2 was put on ice two days before the actual invasion [...]. Exactly what Biden and Scholz had said would happen, did happen. Entirely without explosives.]
A week after the Nord Stream pipeline exploded, staff at a Scandinavian delegation in Brussels walked out of their embassy intelligence briefing, impressed by the level of detail they had received so soon after the attack. It hadn't been carried out by the Americans, the Russians or the Poles, their intelligence service apparently told them, but by a private venture originating in Ukraine.
Roderich Kiesewetter, a German lawmaker who is part of a committee that was briefed last month by intelligence officials on the probe's progress, said he believes that investigators have not yet communicated any results because the "evidence is far too thin."
A gas leakage has been observed in pos. 54° 52.60'N – 015° 24.60'E.
Gas leakages have been observed in pos. 55° 33,40'N – 015° 47,30'E, pos. 55° 32,10'N – 015° 41,90'E and pos. 55° 32,450'N 015° 46,470'E.
Ende September kam es zu Explosionen unter Wasser an der Ostseepipeline. Dabei wurden beide Stränge der Pipeline Nord Stream 1 und ein Strang von Nord Stream 2 leck geschlagen.
At a White House press conference with the new German leader, Biden [...] said Russian forces crossing into Ukraine would trigger a shutdown. 'If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the ... border of Ukraine again, then there will be ... no longer a Nord Stream 2. We, we will bring an end to it,' Biden said. Asked how, given the project is in German control, Biden said: 'I promise you, we'll be able to do it.'
Am Ende wurde Nord Stream 2 schon zwei Tage vor dem eigentlichen Einmarsch auf Eis gelegt [...]. Und zwar ganz ohne Sprengsätze. Es war also genau das passiert, was Biden und Scholz angekündigt hatten.[In the end Nord Stream 2 was put on ice two days before the actual invasion [...]. Exactly what Biden and Scholz had said would happen, did happen. Entirely without explosives.]
click "Nord Stream 2 – Environmental Impact Assessment, Denmark. South-Eastern Route. April 2019"
Vår undervattenskamera dokumenterar långa revor i havsbotten innan den når det betongarmerade stålröret som slitits isär i det misstänkta sabotaget. Minst femtio meter av gasledningen tycks saknas efter explosionen ...[Our underwater camera documents long tears in the seabed before it reaches the concrete-reinforced steel pipe torn apart in the suspected sabotage. At least fifty meters of the gas line appears to be missing after the explosion ...]
Roderich Kiesewetter, a German lawmaker who is part of a committee that was briefed last month by intelligence officials on the probe's progress, said he believes that investigators have not yet communicated any results because the "evidence is far too thin."
Die deutschen Ermittlungsbehörden haben bei der Aufklärung des Anschlags auf die Pipelines Nord Stream 1 und 2 offenbar einen Durchbruch erzielt. Nach einer gemeinsamen Recherche von ARD-Hauptstadtstudio, des ARD-Politikmagazins Kontraste, des SWR und der ZEIT konnte im Zuge der Ermittlungen weitgehend rekonstruiert werden, wie und wann der Sprengstoffanschlag vorbereitet wurde. Demnach führen Spuren in Richtung Ukraine. Allerdings haben die Ermittler bislang keine Beweise dafür gefunden, wer die Zerstörung in Auftrag gegeben hat.[The German investigative authorities have apparently made a breakthrough in solving the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. After joint research by the ARD capital studio, the ARD political magazine Kontraste, SWR and ZEIT, it was possible to largely reconstruct how and when the explosive attack was prepared in the course of the investigation. Accordingly, traces lead in the direction of Ukraine. However, investigators have not yet found any evidence as to who ordered the destruction.]
A week after the Nord Stream pipeline exploded, staff at a Scandinavian delegation in Brussels walked out of their embassy intelligence briefing, impressed by the level of detail they had received so soon after the attack. It hadn't been carried out by the Americans, the Russians or the Poles, their intelligence service apparently told them, but by a private venture originating in Ukraine.
Die deutschen Ermittlungsbehörden haben bei der Aufklärung des Anschlags auf die Pipelines Nord Stream 1 und 2 offenbar einen Durchbruch erzielt. Nach einer gemeinsamen Recherche von ARD-Hauptstadtstudio, des ARD-Politikmagazins Kontraste, des SWR und der ZEIT konnte im Zuge der Ermittlungen weitgehend rekonstruiert werden, wie und wann der Sprengstoffanschlag vorbereitet wurde. Demnach führen Spuren in Richtung Ukraine. Allerdings haben die Ermittler bislang keine Beweise dafür gefunden, wer die Zerstörung in Auftrag gegeben hat.[The German investigative authorities have apparently made a breakthrough in solving the attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. After joint research by the ARD capital studio, the ARD political magazine Kontraste, SWR and ZEIT, it was possible to largely reconstruct how and when the explosive attack was prepared in the course of the investigation. Accordingly, traces lead in the direction of Ukraine. However, investigators have not yet found any evidence as to who ordered the destruction.]