Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2channel" in English language version.
2ちゃんねるのデータの利用に関して、原則的に自由ですが、 2ちゃんねるのデータ自体を利用して対価を取る行為はご遠慮下さい。[As a general rule, you are free to use 2channel's data. However, please refrain from profiting from it.]
また、一般人の誹謗中傷・私生活情報暴露は禁止します。[Further, to slander or expose the personal information of an ordinary member of the public is forbidden.] is managed and operated by PACKET MONSTER INC. and more.
【大使館 (Embassy)】Anime & Manga / Books / Comics & Cartoons / Computers / [...]
権利関係に関する無用な紛争を生じさせず「・・・」掲示板の名称を新たに「5ちゃんねる」へと変更しました。[The name of the textboard has been changed to 5channel to help avoid future unnecessary disputes regarding our rights to operate it.] 専用ブラウザ(以下「専用ブラウザ」)を開発、公開するには、 の所有者である Loki Technology, Inc. の許諾を得て、 が提供する API(以下「API」)を用いる必要があります。ウェブスクレイピングを用いた専用ブラウザの開発、公開は禁止されています。株式会社ジェーンは Loki Technology, Inc. との契約で 専用ブラウザ開発者に対し API の使用許諾を出す権限を受けていますが、これは排他的な権限ではありません。[To develop and publish a dedicated browser, the API we provide must be used. The development of dedicated browsers that work via parsing HTML is prohibited. Loki Technology Inc. has granted Jane KK the non-exclusive privilege of granting licenses to our API.]
保守系論壇誌『諸君!』では2ちゃんねる上における愛国的言説を紹介するコーナー(「麹町電網(インターネット)測候所」)まで存在するという。[There is even a column of the conservative magazine Shokun!, Kōjimachi Denmō Sokkōjo, that shares patriotic posts from 2channel.]
While anyone can read 2channel for free, only members who pay 3600 yen per month can search the archive of old threads.
判決によると、同掲示板に04年3~12月、有道さんが人種差別主義者であるかのような中傷などが12件掲載されたが、管理人は有道さんの削除要請に応じなかった。 [In total, twelve slanderous messages were posted calling Arudou a white supremacist between March and December 2004. The admin ignored his request they be deleted.]
マック赤坂氏は「スマイル党」を立ち上げ、2016年の東京都知事選や国政選挙など、過去に10回以上立候補。政見放送に奇抜な服装で臨むなどして、ネット上で話題を呼んできた。[Mac Akasaka, founder of the "Smile Party", has run for various offices, including national offices, more than ten times, such as in 2016 when he was a candidate for governor of Tokyo. The eccentric garments he wears during his political broadcasts, among other things he does online, have given him considerable attention.]
The previous management was not able to generate enough income to pay the bills for the expenses of running 2ch.
2channel personal information leak incident: AKB staff member account leaked? What's all the fuss about!?
2channel was based on a previous text board called Ayashii World, the first big anonymous text board in Japan... Ayashii World, like many anonymous chan boards, experienced so much downtime that its owner began to receive death threats, prompting him to shut down the board in 1998.
N.T.Technologyは8月26日、不正アクセスによって同社の提供する「2ちゃんねるビューア」の顧客情報が流出したことを発表し、謝罪した。流出した情報の範囲とその原因については「現在調査中」としているが、約3万件のクレジットカード番号や氏名、住所、電話番号などの情報が流出したと見られる。[On August 26, N.T. Technology announced that the customer information of the '2channel viewer' stored by the company was leaked due to unauthorized access and apologized. Although the range of information leaked and the cause of the leak are said to be 'under investigation,' about 30,000 credit card numbers, names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information are thought to have leaked.]
過少申告加算税などを含む追徴税額は3000万円に上り、すでに納付されたと見られます。[The additional amount assessed by the National Tax Agency, 30 million yen, has already been paid.](To view the archive, JavaScript must be disabled in your browser. Alternate convenience link)
太田光はSNSの炎上について、「こういう問題の最初が2ちゃんねるだからさ、一番悪いのは博之くんだよ」とジャブ。[Ōta responded with a jab: "Because this problem got its start on 2channel, Hiroyuki-kun is the number one worst offender," he said, regarding flame wars on social media.] is managed and operated by PACKET MONSTER INC. and more.
They figured out a loophole in Japanese censorship rules," [...] Adult material in Japan has to be censored, but…Japanese people could access content that resides outside of Japan. Bingo. The work we did in the following years was really just marketing uncensored Japanese content to users in Japan.
Ni channel will be right here and the next one over. Alright, now we have two facilities, and this is the new facility. This whole area here, about tennis court-sized, is Pacific Internet Exchange, our area. We're going to do it in sections, that's why we moved from the other side where it's all...many different companies. This is our section.
N.T.Technologyは8月26日、不正アクセスによって同社の提供する「2ちゃんねるビューア」の顧客情報が流出したことを発表し、謝罪した。流出した情報の範囲とその原因については「現在調査中」としているが、約3万件のクレジットカード番号や氏名、住所、電話番号などの情報が流出したと見られる。[On August 26, N.T. Technology announced that the customer information of the '2channel viewer' stored by the company was leaked due to unauthorized access and apologized. Although the range of information leaked and the cause of the leak are said to be 'under investigation,' about 30,000 credit card numbers, names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information are thought to have leaked.]
この件で1番怖いのは、匿名を盾に誰がどんなことを書き込んでいたかが明らかになってしまったことだ。2ちゃんねるが最も封印せねばならない部分が、白日の下に晒されたのだ。有名なライトノベル作家が他の作家を数百回にわたって誹謗中傷した事実が明らかになり、本人がホームページで謝罪に追い込まれた。某2ちゃんねるまとめサイトの管理人はあらし行為を謝罪、サイトの閉鎖を発表した。流出したメールアドレスからは、某政治家、某大学准教授の名前、中央省庁、マスコミ各社、商社、通信会社、国内外の有名大学まで驚くような名前が並ぶ。[The scariest thing about this matter is that it became clear who was writing what behind the shield of anonymity. What 2channel was most expected to keep secret was instead exposed in broad daylight. It was revealed that a famous light novel writer slandered other writers hundreds of times, and he was forced to apologize on his website. A certain 2channel matome site owner apologized for trolling and announced that his site would close. You can see the names of politicians, an associate professor at a university, central government agency staff, media company staff, trading company staff, telecommunications company staff, and staff of famous universities in Japan and abroad from the leaked list of emails.]
巨大ネット掲示板「2ちゃんねる」の有料サービス会員の個人情報約7万4000件が流出した件で [About 74,000 customers of giant internet bulletin board '2channel' had their personal information exposed online.]
「●」こと「2ちゃんねるビューア」で昨年8月に発覚したユーザー情報流出だ。[The user information leak that happened in August of last year had its source in "●", also known as the "2channel viewer".]
このほか有料サービスに登録すると、名前欄に"●"を使って書き込むことができるとのこと。なお、有料サービスがスタートした1日以降、一般ユーザーが名前欄に"●"を使おとしても、サーバー側で"○"に置換されて書き込まれるようになった。 [Those who subscribe to the service can also write a «●» in the name field of their posts. It should be noted that when those who are not subscribed put a «●» in the name field, the server replaces it with a «○».]
権利関係に関する無用な紛争を生じさせず「・・・」掲示板の名称を新たに「5ちゃんねる」へと変更しました。[The name of the textboard has been changed to 5channel to help avoid future unnecessary disputes regarding our rights to operate it.]
Tor経由では、2ちゃんねるにはアクセスできません。[2channel blocks access from those who use Tor.]
2007年末には、営利目的への無断転載を禁止する「ニュース速報(嫌儲)」板が設けられた。[At the end of 2007, the /poverty/ board ("Newsoku – Poverty") was set up, which prohibited unauthorized reproduction of its contents for profit.]
今月3日以降、2ちゃんねる専用ブラウザーの開発・公開には「Jane Style」の開発元であるジェーン社などから許諾を受けたうえで新しいAPIを利用する必要が生じている。[Since the 3rd of this month, it is necessary to use the new API. Dedicated browser developers must get permission from the developer of JaneStyle to publish a 2channel dedicated browser.] 専用ブラウザ(以下「専用ブラウザ」)を開発、公開するには、 の所有者である Loki Technology, Inc. の許諾を得て、 が提供する API(以下「API」)を用いる必要があります。ウェブスクレイピングを用いた専用ブラウザの開発、公開は禁止されています。株式会社ジェーンは Loki Technology, Inc. との契約で 専用ブラウザ開発者に対し API の使用許諾を出す権限を受けていますが、これは排他的な権限ではありません。[To develop and publish a dedicated browser, the API we provide must be used. The development of dedicated browsers that work via parsing HTML is prohibited. Loki Technology Inc. has granted Jane KK the non-exclusive privilege of granting licenses to our API.]
In December 2004 through February 2005, I notified 2-Channel by e-mail at their designated address where you request deletions. They never answered. Nor did the defamatory posts come down. So my lawyers contacted the owner, a Mr. Nishimura, by registered snail mail, several times. Returned by the post office unopened. We did check to make sure Mr. Nishimura was residing there, of course. So we sued. And believe it or not, Mr. Nishimura never answered any court communiques, never appeared in court, never offered any acknowledgment whatsoever. That's irresponsible on all counts.
そもそも今回の「運動」は、2ちゃんねる(現5ちゃんねる)から「ネトウヨ」に対するカウンターとして始まった。2ちゃんねるが「ネトウヨ」の活動場所とみなされることが多い現状から考えると、この「運動」を不思議に思う人もいるのではないか。[In the first place, this 'exercise' started as a way to counter netto-uyoku users from 2channel (5channel). Considering the current situation where 2channel is often regarded as the activity place of the netto-uyoku, there are surely some who find this 'exercise' perplexing.]
年末から続く不調に、運営側に怒りの矛先を向ける人も少なくない。[Due to the bad condition (of the infrastructure) which has continued since year's end, many users are angry with the management.]
マック赤坂氏は「スマイル党」を立ち上げ、2016年の東京都知事選や国政選挙など、過去に10回以上立候補。政見放送に奇抜な服装で臨むなどして、ネット上で話題を呼んできた。[Mac Akasaka, founder of the "Smile Party", has run for various offices, including national offices, more than ten times, such as in 2016 when he was a candidate for governor of Tokyo. The eccentric garments he wears during his political broadcasts, among other things he does online, have given him considerable attention.]
太田光はSNSの炎上について、「こういう問題の最初が2ちゃんねるだからさ、一番悪いのは博之くんだよ」とジャブ。[Ōta responded with a jab: "Because this problem got its start on 2channel, Hiroyuki-kun is the number one worst offender," he said, regarding flame wars on social media.]
このほか有料サービスに登録すると、名前欄に"●"を使って書き込むことができるとのこと。なお、有料サービスがスタートした1日以降、一般ユーザーが名前欄に"●"を使おとしても、サーバー側で"○"に置換されて書き込まれるようになった。 [Those who subscribe to the service can also write a «●» in the name field of their posts. It should be noted that when those who are not subscribed put a «●» in the name field, the server replaces it with a «○».]
今月3日以降、2ちゃんねる専用ブラウザーの開発・公開には「Jane Style」の開発元であるジェーン社などから許諾を受けたうえで新しいAPIを利用する必要が生じている。[Since the 3rd of this month, it is necessary to use the new API. Dedicated browser developers must get permission from the developer of JaneStyle to publish a 2channel dedicated browser.]
ただし、米国政府機関など複数のサイトに被害が発生したことから、FBI等が捜査に乗り出し、把握されている被害額は約250万ドルに上るとされている。[However, due to damage to multiple sites including those of US government agencies, the FBI and others have launched an investigation and it is estimated that the amount of damage is about $2.5 million.]
「●」こと「2ちゃんねるビューア」で昨年8月に発覚したユーザー情報流出だ。[The user information leak that happened in August of last year had its source in "●", also known as the "2channel viewer".]
2007年末には、営利目的への無断転載を禁止する「ニュース速報(嫌儲)」板が設けられた。[At the end of 2007, the /poverty/ board ("Newsoku – Poverty") was set up, which prohibited unauthorized reproduction of its contents for profit.]
年末から続く不調に、運営側に怒りの矛先を向ける人も少なくない。[Due to the bad condition (of the infrastructure) which has continued since year's end, many users are angry with the management.]
Speculation abounds, however, that the move may be a legal trick to deflect further lawsuits filed against Nishimura for the site's frequently libelous content.
2ちゃんねるの広告収入は東京プラスなどを経由して、09〜12年の4年間に約3億5000万円がシンガポールの会社に送金された。[...] 残る約2億円も、この会社がペーパーカンパニーとみられることから、国税当局は西村氏の個人所得と認定。[Through Tokyo Plus KK, among others, in the four years between 2009 and 2012, ¥≈350 million was transferred to the Singaporean company. Since it is considered a shell company, the National Tax Agency has determined the profit of ¥200 million to be personal income of Nishimura.]
過少申告加算税などを含む追徴税額は3000万円に上り、すでに納付されたと見られます。[The additional amount assessed by the National Tax Agency, 30 million yen, has already been paid.](To view the archive, JavaScript must be disabled in your browser. Alternate convenience link)
Ni channel will be right here and the next one over. Alright, now we have two facilities, and this is the new facility. This whole area here, about tennis court-sized, is Pacific Internet Exchange, our area. We're going to do it in sections, that's why we moved from the other side where it's all...many different companies. This is our section.
In December 2004 through February 2005, I notified 2-Channel by e-mail at their designated address where you request deletions. They never answered. Nor did the defamatory posts come down. So my lawyers contacted the owner, a Mr. Nishimura, by registered snail mail, several times. Returned by the post office unopened. We did check to make sure Mr. Nishimura was residing there, of course. So we sued. And believe it or not, Mr. Nishimura never answered any court communiques, never appeared in court, never offered any acknowledgment whatsoever. That's irresponsible on all counts.
この件で1番怖いのは、匿名を盾に誰がどんなことを書き込んでいたかが明らかになってしまったことだ。2ちゃんねるが最も封印せねばならない部分が、白日の下に晒されたのだ。有名なライトノベル作家が他の作家を数百回にわたって誹謗中傷した事実が明らかになり、本人がホームページで謝罪に追い込まれた。某2ちゃんねるまとめサイトの管理人はあらし行為を謝罪、サイトの閉鎖を発表した。流出したメールアドレスからは、某政治家、某大学准教授の名前、中央省庁、マスコミ各社、商社、通信会社、国内外の有名大学まで驚くような名前が並ぶ。[The scariest thing about this matter is that it became clear who was writing what behind the shield of anonymity. What 2channel was most expected to keep secret was instead exposed in broad daylight. It was revealed that a famous light novel writer slandered other writers hundreds of times, and he was forced to apologize on his website. A certain 2channel matome site owner apologized for trolling and announced that his site would close. You can see the names of politicians, an associate professor at a university, central government agency staff, media company staff, trading company staff, telecommunications company staff, and staff of famous universities in Japan and abroad from the leaked list of emails.]
Tor経由では、2ちゃんねるにはアクセスできません。[2channel blocks access from those who use Tor.]
Hiroyuki single-handedly created the program for his groundbreaking, autonomous/anonymous media when he had "time to spare" during studies in the USA.
そもそも今回の「運動」は、2ちゃんねる(現5ちゃんねる)から「ネトウヨ」に対するカウンターとして始まった。2ちゃんねるが「ネトウヨ」の活動場所とみなされることが多い現状から考えると、この「運動」を不思議に思う人もいるのではないか。[In the first place, this 'exercise' started as a way to counter netto-uyoku users from 2channel (5channel). Considering the current situation where 2channel is often regarded as the activity place of the netto-uyoku, there are surely some who find this 'exercise' perplexing.]
They figured out a loophole in Japanese censorship rules," [...] Adult material in Japan has to be censored, but…Japanese people could access content that resides outside of Japan. Bingo. The work we did in the following years was really just marketing uncensored Japanese content to users in Japan.
巨大ネット掲示板「2ちゃんねる」の有料サービス会員の個人情報約7万4000件が流出した件で [About 74,000 customers of giant internet bulletin board '2channel' had their personal information exposed online.]
N.T.Technology, inc was a victim of a cyber attack earlier today. Some data for customers was compromised. Your data may have been compromised.
【大使館 (Embassy)】Anime & Manga / Books / Comics & Cartoons / Computers / [...]
Speculation abounds, however, that the move may be a legal trick to deflect further lawsuits filed against Nishimura for the site's frequently libelous content.
2ちゃんねるの広告収入は東京プラスなどを経由して、09〜12年の4年間に約3億5000万円がシンガポールの会社に送金された。[...] 残る約2億円も、この会社がペーパーカンパニーとみられることから、国税当局は西村氏の個人所得と認定。[Through Tokyo Plus KK, among others, in the four years between 2009 and 2012, ¥≈350 million was transferred to the Singaporean company. Since it is considered a shell company, the National Tax Agency has determined the profit of ¥200 million to be personal income of Nishimura.]
過少申告加算税などを含む追徴税額は3000万円に上り、すでに納付されたと見られます。[The additional amount assessed by the National Tax Agency, 30 million yen, has already been paid.](To view the archive, JavaScript must be disabled in your browser. Alternate convenience link)
2channel personal information leak incident: AKB staff member account leaked? What's all the fuss about!?
While anyone can read 2channel for free, only members who pay 3600 yen per month can search the archive of old threads.
N.T.Technology, inc was a victim of a cyber attack earlier today. Some data for customers was compromised. Your data may have been compromised.
The previous management was not able to generate enough income to pay the bills for the expenses of running 2ch.
2ちゃんねるのデータの利用に関して、原則的に自由ですが、 2ちゃんねるのデータ自体を利用して対価を取る行為はご遠慮下さい。[As a general rule, you are free to use 2channel's data. However, please refrain from profiting from it.]
判決によると、同掲示板に04年3~12月、有道さんが人種差別主義者であるかのような中傷などが12件掲載されたが、管理人は有道さんの削除要請に応じなかった。 [In total, twelve slanderous messages were posted calling Arudou a white supremacist between March and December 2004. The admin ignored his request they be deleted.]
また、一般人の誹謗中傷・私生活情報暴露は禁止します。[Further, to slander or expose the personal information of an ordinary member of the public is forbidden.]
Hiroyuki single-handedly created the program for his groundbreaking, autonomous/anonymous media when he had "time to spare" during studies in the USA.
ただし、米国政府機関など複数のサイトに被害が発生したことから、FBI等が捜査に乗り出し、把握されている被害額は約250万ドルに上るとされている。[However, due to damage to multiple sites including those of US government agencies, the FBI and others have launched an investigation and it is estimated that the amount of damage is about $2.5 million.]
The Panel finds it prudent to note that the Policy is intended to handle cases of cybersquatting. Any potential business dispute between the Parties may be more appropriately addressed through court proceedings rather than through the Policy.
筆者がはじめて、インターネット巨大掲示板「2ちゃんねる」に触れたのは、9・11テロがまさに進行中の時だった。[⋯]この時点で、ネット検索に出てきたのが、当時から「便所の落書き」「痰壷」などと露悪的に自称していた(それゆえに筆者は接触しないようにしていた)「2ch」の書き込みだった。 [I first touched the huge internet bulletin board "2channel" when the 9/11 terror attacks were in progress. Up to then, I had no interest in 2ch as online searches only brought up results deprecating it a "spittoon" and home of "toilet graffiti".]
When 2channel began having financial trouble as a result of the controversy, Watkins used the opportunity to seize control of the site, citing its failure to pay its outstanding bills.