The Belgrade Pristina High Level talks are led by the EU High Representative and began on 8 March 2011 in Brussels, at first mediated and prepared by chief negotiator Robert Cooper. Ambassador Fernando Gentilini was the chief negotiator until April 2015. Ambassador Angelina Eichhorst replaced Ambassador Gentilini in September 2015.
In total 36 agreements were agreed between the two sides, Serbia and Kosovo, during 2011 - 2019. A real breakthrough was reached with the Brussels Agreement (2013).
In February 2018 the European Commission stated: 'Without effective and comprehensive normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations through the EU-facilitated Dialogue there cannot be lasting stability in the region. A comprehensive, legally binding normalisation agreement is urgent and crucial so that Serbia and Kosovo can advance on their respective European paths'.
The Dutch 2DOC documentary Post Beirut features three Dutch diplomates in Lebanon: NL Ambassador Hester Somson, EU Ambassador Eichhorst and UN Special Coordinator Sigrid Kaag talking about their work in Beirut.