Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Anti-LGBT rhetoric" in English language version.
Just when World War II raised the stature of psychiatry, they sought respectability, patriotic credentials, and professional power in their new land by attacking a despised group and linking it to erstwhile fascist or newfound communist enemies. [...] That [some psychoanalysts] attached to homosexuals the stereotypes inflicted on Jews was a grim irony compounded by the fact that many queer artists were Jewish. Their 'frequent ignorant portrayal of the sad and desperate lives of practicing homosexuals,' [Kenneth] Lewes asserts, derived from 'vicious stereotypes' that 'found their models in anti-Semitic and racist propaganda.'
Anthony Powell suggested that his friend Jocelyn Brooke invented the term that Harold Norse tells us Auden stole from him. Whoever invented it provided us with a splendid word to explain the social and cultural power of homosexuality, the ability of this sexual allegiance to create networks and establish loyalties that do much to shape the imagination of the West.
In the nation-states of Eastern Europe twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the discursive structures of paranoia and conspiracy theory applied to the LGBT community seem directly transferred from the anti-Semitic tradition of Jewish conspiracy strongly present in these countries.
'Ideologia LGBT' to pojęcie–worek, do którego prawica wrzuca te zmiany cywilizacyjne, które jej nie odpowiadają (np. postulaty równouprawnienia związków jednopłciowych, w wielu krajach — od USA po RPA — zrealizowane). W języku propagandy prawicowej, jak pisał w Stanisław Krawczyk, 'ideologia LGBT' służy odczłowieczaniu mniejszości oraz kreowaniu wroga — a więc budowaniu politycznego poparcia dla prawicy, która przedstawia się jako jedyna obrończyni tradycyjnej rodziny, religii i ładu społecznego. 'Ideologia' pasuje także do częstego na prawicy postrzegania świata w kategoriach spisku — ideologię ktoś 'promuje', ktoś upowszechnia, ktoś 'za nią stoi' (np. George Soros, żydowsko–amerykański finansista, wspierający organizacje LGBT).
As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.
The former President of Iran evaded an American student's question on the execution of homosexuals by saying, 'In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country. This does not exist in our country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who told you that we have.' (Note that in this speech, Ahmadinejad used the Farsi term hamjensbaz, 'faggot', not the more neutral term hamjensgara, 'homosexual'. )